Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Ramble Anytime! 30/11/2011

Intervention for Mother Animal!  

Thanks for submitting this to my contest! 

 Love your son!

Adam Lambert thanks to @tuke18 enhanced by @weelassie11

 Adam Lambert 

I'm Not considering marriage ...Lol. Think what I MEANT was: 'even if I WAS to consider it, it wouldn't be an option (in so many states) '

 Adam Lambert 

Friends are asking me questions. 'huh?' haha. If I didn't ramble so much in interviews, my points would probably be clearer.

We Love to Hear you Ramble Anytime at all, Adam!

Thanks to PaulaSee


Trespassing News


Adam Lambert and Brian May at the EMAs

This Poll is Important!

Write in on "Other" box:

1) Best Awards Show performance  "Adam Lambert and Queen EMAs"

2)Best Fashion "Adam Lambert"

***********3) MOST ANTICIPATED ALBUM 2012  "Adam Lambert"************

and for fun

This is how you vote for these two

Best Male Singer ( Adam is # 19 and moving up!!!!)

Who Should Sing at the Olympics (Adam is #1)

Sauli Koskinen at the AMAs



S will be at the Consulate General of Finland's Independence Day party (Dec 6th)

Sauli's Blog Translation 30/11/2011 thanks to moominbert

Haaaaaalp!! I made it through Thanksgiving Day, or rather "Thanksgiving Week". It was fun, if demanding, and so now I have the flu. :( Today is day four of lying in bed producing snot. Arrgh! There's nothing I hate as much as feeling like this! It's sunny outside, 25 degrees, and I'm stuck inside four walls, wearing wool socks and taking medicine and vitamins... I've tried nearly everything from a neti pot to all sorts of herbal liquids and nothing is working. I'd like to hear your tips on defeating the flu. I'm running out of tricks. help me!! ;)

Thanksgiving was last Thursday, but our Thanksgiving started on Monday and went on till Saturday. In my last blog I said I'd fast for a few days before this ceremony, but that came to nothing as we started shoveling in the food right at the beginning of the week. whew! I spent Thanksgiving Week with "family" living here and the week was filled with activity. Within the week, we went to a comedy club, the movies, bowling, restaurants, and of course on the day itself there was a big dinner party with turkey. I had the honor of bringing the turkey to the table. It's kind of a big deal here, but I didn't know that until everybody started clapping and taking pictures. We nearly lost the turkey, I was so startled... hah! :)

The purpose of Thanksgiving is to be thankful for good things, and I

was thankful for this entire incredible year. I'll never forget this week and I'm already looking forward to the next Thanksgiving Week. :)

In closing, I'd like to announce to all of you, lovely readers, that I'll be launching my own website this week. I'll be blogging there as well. I'll write about everyday stuff and also post videos in the future. I'm not going to quit this blog but will continue writing here once a week, about different topics than what I'll be posting on my own site. yay!! Katri and I will also continue making Tutka once a week. :) We've promised to do a Christmas Tutka together in Finland. :)

Is_Tutka Videos

Part 1

Part 2

From Last Night!

Adam Lambert thanks to Listoff

Joe Zee gives Adam Lambert a style upgrade

Adam Lambert and David Bowie thanks to @EowynRohan


Adam Lambert Taps Pharrell & Dr. Luke For A Beat-Heavy New Album


Adam Lambert 'Trusting His Instincts', Working Hard


Adam Lambert hat photoshop

 Miles Tougeaux 

 don't forget if U R coerced into an Xmas song go with O Holy Night & th big note - none of that wimpy secular shit


Adam Lambert and Katharine Hepburn: What Gets Charles Busch Going


Get Over it Ringtone!

@ScorpioBert @FoxVegas Ask & you shall receive... ringtone for Get Over it. Didn't edit it at all since it's only 30 seconds.


The top five videos since the creation of the channel in July 2007 are an interview with Adam Lambert, a report on the movieThe World Unseen, an interview with Tilda Swinton, coverage of a Fred Phelps counter-protest in Toronto and a report on gay wrestling from the World Outgames in Copenhagen.

Adam Lambert and Dan Choi at OUT100 Awards

Adam Lambert Australian Photoshoot 2010


Unauthorized Albums

Links to all the songs if you want to listen


Adam Lambert hair down collage thanks to Joanna

New Fan Contest

Love hearing your Adam stories so please send me them. 

 This contest is for international fans or North American fans who would like to win a copy of the Rolling Stone magazine coming out December 8th

Will have a random drawing for winners from all the entries .  Contest ends December 8th

(Please put ADAM in the subject line and let me know if it's ok to post your story.  Also, happy to receive all entries... you can decline the prize and I won't include you in the draw)

Number of prizes will depend on how many magazines I can scoop up for you so there could be lots!

Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

Tommy Joe Ratliff thanks to @tuke18 enhanced by @weelassie11

Fun memory thanks to 


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Resource and Information Pages

Home Page 

Links to all posts and resource pages 

(Good to save this to favorites-new post added daily) 

Adamquotedaily for Dummies!

(Helpful if you are not good at the computer yet!)


Interesting Articles and Pictures (Updates are now being added at the bottom of this page)

(DM or email me for the password. Over 18 only!)


Adam's Pre-Idol Music


Adam Lambert 101: An introduction

New pictures just added!

Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)


Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!


Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert

And Part 2 is here:


Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!

Please note that your comments won't show up right away!

Check back for updates a bit later!

Please contact me @adamquotedaily or

Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.


Adam Lambert Hall of Fame Pictures

(please send me your favorites!)

A Brand New to me favorite! Hair down, profile view and zipper pants! LOL!

Videos of Queen at the EMAs are being removed  (Keep this one thanks to @GaleChester


BTINM Demo on Soundcloud... written by Claude Kelley thanks to @Scorpiobert


Better Than I Know Myself

Cold as ice

and more bitter than a December

winter night

that's how i treated you

And I know that I – I
I sometimes tend to loose my temper
And I cross the line
Yeah that’s the truth

I know it gets hard some time
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say

Coz if I wanted to go – I would have gone by now
But I really need you near me
Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave – I would have left by now
But you’re the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

All along
I tried to pretend it didn’t matter
If I was alone
Deep down I know

If you were gone
For even a day I wouldn’t know which
Way to turn
Coz I’m lost without you

I know it gets hard some time
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say

If I wanted to go – I would have gone by now
But I really need you near me
Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave – I would have left by now
But you’re the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

If I wanted to go – I would have gone by now
But I really need you near me
Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave – I would have left by now
But you’re the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

If I wanted to go – I would have gone by now
But I really need you near me
Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave – I would have left by now
But you’re the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

Thanks to NoAngel on Adamtopia