Sunday, 19 June 2011

Good Luck at the MMVAs Adam!

Adam Lambert's photo I want one!
Maserati photo, retweeted by Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

Adam... buy yourself a Maserati! You sang it into existence and you should have one!


@milestougeaux happy fathers day dad!!!!


Adam Lambert belts out "Fever" with a healthy view of chest hair
                                                                 Thanks to @aquariussue7

                                                                      Thanks to @buffffy

Sutommy Gif thanks to @itsJoooory

Oops it wont post so you can find 26 of them here!


Adam Lambert returns to his Mustang after lunch with Alisan Porter

Sixteen Pictures of Adam and Alisan from Lunch

Adam Lambert wears a blue fedora that matches his eyes 
                     Thanks to @aquariussue7


Good Luck Adam!  Tonight are the MMVA awards in Toronto!

Picture from Adam's performance there last year

Adam Lambert sings "Whataya Want From Me" at the MMVA Awards, 2010


@LiamMcEwan's Adam Lambert Hour Podcast June 19


@sutanamrull: u hot diva! amazing video! @TommyJoeRatliff: get it!! @austin_young: stunning work!

@adamlambert thanx baby!!!! I miss you!

sutanamrull Best part of making the video was making out with my hot best friends.

Great rear view of Adam Lambert during the Glam Nation tour
                                               Thanks to aquariussue7

Adam Lambert sneers like Elvis, Maxidrom Festival, Moscow, Russia
                                               Enhanced by @aquariussue7

Improved WLL from Moscow thanks to @lambosessed


Adam Lambert does a  classic body roll during "Fever"

One Year Ago in the Life of @adamlambert and @adamquotedaily!

Video of Adam Signing Autographs… My cape makes an appearance at 1:50 and 2:30 approx!

Pictures I took of Adam with my Cell phone (no zoom)!

Adam Lambert at an autograph session in Toronto, 2010

I was very happy!  Still am!!


The Circle by Citizen Vein including Adam and Monte

All of Adam's  Pre-Idol Music Here:


Monte and Tommy in Chicago

(lyric change at :50  kc in k city!)

I love mine!

View Adam Bill...JPG in slide show

Support via @AdamLambert Dollar Bills


Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

Monte Pittman and Tommy Joe Ratliff perform in Chicago

Monte Pittman and Tommy Joe Ratliff rocking out
                                                          Thanks to @Alikat1323

Screencap from Diamond Queen Video above!

Adam Inspiration Contest Entry!

For The Love of Adam

There are so many things to love about Adam, and so much inspiration to choose from. For me, the discovery of how vulnerable and approachable Adam is really made an indelible impression on me. 

I first experien


  1. Adam definitely belongs in that Maserati - lol - imagine seeing him go by in that! That blue hat and scarf pic is so great - whatta smile. And nice pic with the chest hair - remember some sly questioner asking about the hair color in certain parts of his anatomy and Adam replied that the "drapes don't match the rug." Cackle. Love, Lee


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily