What a beautiful surprise to wake up to today thanks to @xGlitterBabyx!
Thank you so much for this video, Sarah! I cried while I watched it and feel so happy seeing your excitement!
I bought the pendant last year and wore it several times but felt in my heart that the Eye of Horus necklace belonged with someone other than me. I believe it has found a perfect home with you, Sarah. I hope that it brings you lots of luck and protection and that you continue to work hard to achieve all your dreams. Adam Lambert inspires me and so do you!
By the way, the pendant looks beautiful on you and I am so glad it arrived safely! (It is silver and peridot)
XO Gloria
PS Send me a link to your music!
(Jewellery like this necklace is available at http://users.rcn.com/kkofoed/New%20JD/jewelryCategories.html through my friend Janet. Her designs are beautiful and if enough people order some stuff from her , perhaps I will be able to convince her to donate a piece for our next contest!? Make sure you tell her that you heard about her through the Adam Inspires contest)
I would like to thank the anonymous person who sent me this beautiful gift (love you sweetie!) and inspires me to want to share my things with others!
It has found a great spot in my dining room and I see it every time I walk into my kitchen!
If you missed yesterday's updates:
beaufp: Reunited with the fabulous @adamlambert it's been too long buddy!! Work dipped hair!http://lockerz.com/s/124053563
Two Days to Quebec!
With all the great Glamberts attending, we will have videos and pictures and stories to enjoy for many days.
I'm declaring that this concert will mark the end of the Adam drought of 2011 and the beginning of Adam Storm #2!
Monte's Interview here: http://www.latalkradio.com/Players/Sheena-072611.shtml
Monte starts at about 76 minutes
Monte's Interview here: http://www.latalkradio.com/Players/Sheena-072611.shtml
Monte starts at about 76 minutes
Adam Lambert and his perfect profile taken in ? via @Dragonfly194
Adam Lambert displays his emotions in ? via @Dragonfly194
"A bit of Adam loveliness to ease our longing"
Sneak Peak at "Behind the Music"
Download this here to keep it permanently: http://www.mediafire.com/?xc7v7uxk1h759s8 Thanks to @terra_zephead
Lyndsey Parker article
![]() |
Screencap from video thanks to @lilybop2010 |
Watch this now!
Help get Adam's WWFM GNT LIVE Vevo video to 1 Million views+ before the new single comes out.
I read somewhere that Sauli would be seeing Adam perform in St Agathe. Does anyone know if that is true?
Tranlation of Article about Sauli after he won Big Brother, January 2008:
Lots of insight into the man!
"A job of a stylist and fashion interest me and I hope that I could somehow combine these and a tv work," Sauli tells about his future vision. "I think that it would be a cool idea to pick people from the street and re-style them, show them that other styles of dressing up would be available. Then they could choose if they would want to continue with their former styles of with mine."
Tranlation of Article about Sauli after he won Big Brother, January 2008:
Lots of insight into the man!
"A job of a stylist and fashion interest me and I hope that I could somehow combine these and a tv work," Sauli tells about his future vision. "I think that it would be a cool idea to pick people from the street and re-style them, show them that other styles of dressing up would be available. Then they could choose if they would want to continue with their former styles of with mine."
Sauli Koskinen looking good!
Sauli tweeted his blog: http://blogit.iltasanomat.fi/sauli/elama-ja-elaimet/38
Do you think the joggers are Adam and Sauli?
Bit of Insight (no Adam mention)
Article from One Year Ago
Six things you may not know about Adam Lambert
1. Lambert’s female following started early. A group of Mormon girls in the choir with Lambert at Mt. Carmel High so idolized him, they were like a virtual harem. Yet while he was the star of chorus and drama, Lambert was not a very good math student. “Adam wasn’t born with the math gene,” his father, Eber Lambert, said.
2. Between musical theater jobs in 2003, Lambert worked at a cosmetics counter in an L.A. department store. His makeup and people skills were so admired, the cosmetics company offered him a $50,000-a-year job as a cosmetics demonstrator/trainer, but he turned it down to follow his performance dreams. A year later, he hit a career low when his father declined to lend him money to record an album and they had a brief falling-out. He eventually found work as a blond-haired football player in the execrable “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” in Lake Tahoe. The show was so bad, Lambert wouldn’t let anyone in his family come see it.
3. When Lambert called his father to say he was quitting the musical “Wicked” to take part in “American Idol” last year, his father was shocked. He’d never heard of the Fox series and couldn’t understand why his son would quit his job “to go on a game show.”
4. Lambert is known for his rich vocabulary and articulate interviews, even though he never attended college. His father attributes Adam’s speaking skills to being a voracious reader (particularly during the “Idol” tour) and his “attraction to people he can have good conversations with.”
5. To give back to the public schools where he first trained in voice and theater, Lambert created a charity through donorschoose.org that has raised more than $315,000 to date for school arts programs.
6. When his hairstylist shaved clean a three-inch square of hair on one side of Lambert’s head last month (“it was air-conditioning because some of these cities’ concert halls are really hot”), the resulting fan furor (dubbed “Hairgate”) was written up on the Web sites for People magazine and E and MTV networks. Relax, everyone; the hair has since grown back.
(Great article… read the whole thing here……)
Front Row from Seattle Concert Last Year
More here: http://www.youtube.com/user/powderpuffnails
San Francisco last year Thanks to @suz526
This is what Dilana said about Adam (she created the version of ROF that Adam sang on Idol)
On Tuesday 27th July 2010, @LambertUK said:
Dilana (of Rock Star Super Nova) answers a question about
Adam Lambert during a Zoiks! Online interview:
Adam Lambert during a Zoiks! Online interview:
Q – Adam Lambert did a version of “Ring of Fire” on “American Idol” that was very similar to yours from “Rock Star SuperNova.” What did you think of that?
A – It was very flattering. He gave me a shout out in a little video blog that he did. It was really cool that I was able to inspire a singer, an artist, as amazing as Adam Lambert. I really think that guy is so talented. He in my eyes is really phenomenal. I hate to compare him to one of my idols, Freddie Mercury, but I think he’s up there. He could be someone as extravagant and amazing as Freddie if he focuses and keeps his feet on the ground. It was just a huge flatter for me that he did that.
Read more: http://www.zoiksonline.com/2010/02/dilana-says-taylor-swift-on-grammys-was.html#ixzz0usg6AfTu
Great Laugh, Smile and Clips!
"WOW! I can't believe people care so much.... about ME!"
Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff perform Fever one year ago... predicting we get the same type of interaction in Quebec
Click on picture for GIF!
Click on picture for GIF!
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Rakastan said: OMG -love it-my favorite website…and all about my favorite…thank you!
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Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
Alice said: Gloria, thanks for creating this Sauli site. Adam’s heart eyes with Sauli tell the whole story. I love them together. They seem so right for each other, far beyond the fascinating fashion coincidences. Adam said this time he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place. Aside from an obvious attraction, they are good together because both are artists with strong support from family and friends, wry sense of humor, gift of gab, sunshiny personality, love of dance, compassion, kindness, humility, et al. Sauli and Adam are kindred spirits. Thank you Universe for bringing them together. I hope they always want each other as much as they do now. Adam, we know why your heart is full and we are overjoyed by your bliss.
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”
And Part 2 is here:
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xGlitterBabyx! Hi dear I hope that you live your dream and you become star
arabic lady
Your blog is always great, Gloria, but today was extra special. I wanted to win the Eye of Horus, but now I see that it found the right home with lovely and sweet GlitterBaby! And all the clips and information have me in full preparation for Adam Storm II!
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note before I go through everything. I think the two pics from Dragonfly194 came from the Berlin radio station where Adam sang the acoustic WWFM with just Monte that's on the EP. Luv,Lee
ReplyDeleteThanks Lee. I think you may be right. Thanks for all the sweet comments ladies! XO Gloria
ReplyDeletexGlitterbabyx i hope all your dreams come true you are a true inspiration..hugs
ReplyDeleteJust a terrific blog today, Gloria - such great stuff. I sniffled a little bit at the end of GlitterBaby's video - beautiful necklace - checking out the designer's website.
ReplyDeleteThe two vids - "Naturally" and "Laugh, Smile" - damn, that man is lovable.
Think you're correct about any Adam/TJ interaction - will be different from now on. Remember the performance where Adam went into the audience and the pretty guy backed off from Adam because he had his boyfriend with him. Adam understood right away - probably even more so now.
Will now view the Seattle and SF vids - never tire of watching the Tour.
And, Gloria - you little devil - putting that laced-up pic of Adam at the end - monumental!
Thanks again for all that you do - Lee