Single Release could be 18/12 with Itunes on 20/12
Here's the private concert Adam is giving!
Thanks to ALFC on FB! Thanks @Galechester
This site says ADAM LAMBERT is booked for Shanghai
Amway Leadership Summit on 12/18/11. Although we
can't get to the site (presumably because Glamberts
have crashed it), our Twitter feed says The Amway
headline says Leadership Achievement Seminar 2011
Shanghai Banquet Entertainment Info and it appears
to be a private event. It's an annual amway
expo/summit. We'll post more info as we learn it...
Adam Lambert demonstrating his attitude at this moment! " I know something you don't know" via @isla_zandz
Tim Williams
Thanks to Becklct
Message to Adam Lambert
I'm reserving my right to rant tomorrow. Patience lasts one more day . We've waited long enough. Spill the beans. Give us a job to do. I want to spread your awesomeness with something new NOW.
Your loyal fan
Adam Lambert... stop smirking!
Warning: I'm almost this desperate. Bet he would love to have a fandom like us!
adamlambert Adam Lambert
I'm my OWN frontman.maybe an special occasion guest, sure, but #Trespassing is my next big obsession.
@adamlambert yeah, yeah..but getting Olympics tickets would be cool... just sayin...
milestougeaux Miles Tougeaux
oh stop it ...I just read the rumors like the rest of you.
adamlambert Adam Lambert
... And YOUR next big obsession. #Trespassing #betterthaniknowmyself
Adam Lambert thanks to @jacci ...Please don't hurt us !
LiamMcEwan Liam McEwan
Just received a release date for "Better Than I Know Myself"! :)
AdamBertDaily Adam Lambert News
LiamMcEwan Liam McEwan
Sorry for that little tease earlier on.... Just wanted to share my excitement with you all!!! THE SINGLE IS COMING!!! :)
(Just to let you know, Liam did check in to make sure I was kidding and I LIED and said I was!)
(Editor's note: I'm feeling a slim wave of optimism overtaking my body... hmmm... Liam told someone he may be able to say something on the next show which is tomorrow. That tells me that we should get news TODAY!... Speak ADAM!)
Adam Lambert and friends... I'm trying to remember you're just a cute little boy playing games
Aww Chloe!
Miss you and love you even though you keep @adamlambert secrets!
Thanks for this Christmas Poetry:
'Twas The Night Before Fandom Christmas!
'Twas the night before Christmas when I scrolled through my feed,
Some were still Berting, some were on weed.
My retweets and follows were chosen with care,
In hopes news of the single soon would be shared.
I'd been so nestled all snug in my bed,
But visions of Sauli danced in my head!
It'd only been a minute, but again I could check,
There could be some ninjas, so oh, what the heck!
When on my laptop there arose such a clatter,
Flail everywhere! What the hell was the matter??
Two words, “Twitter Party!” stood out in a flash,
I started squeeing, I began to keysmash!
What should we ask him? What will he dish?
Do we dare even ask if it’s December the “ish?”
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
We’ll get news soon! I shall open a beer!
Now trending worldwide is some word Adam said,
And a “WhoSay” pic, OMG we’re all dead!
But then we were *facepalm* cuz some fan was lame,
This fandom, someone’s always to blame!
On butthurt, on wank, and on trolls and on cray,
I will just laugh and ignore you today!
On tight pants, on glambulge, on tongue and on hair,
These are the things on which we do care!
Now, to Google Translate to read Sauli’s blog,
We still need pap pics of when him and A snog!
I went back to TweetDeck, scrolling down with my mouse,
If Twitter weren't free, it would now own my house.
But we are a family, I love being here,
And Berting with all of my friends who are dear.
Feed the obsession! But overcome it--good luck!
Merry Fandom all and to all a good... NIGHT.
****Copyright December 2011 - By L. “Chloe” G.****
(Parody of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore)
@shannonmquinn shannon quinn
@adamlambert u looked amazeballs tonight. Good to c ur face. Love and luck to u.
Adam Lambert... holding his ground! I liked you better when you didn't know how to keep secrets!
(Click for Gif)
Adam's Deleted Tweet thanks to @lambertlust
Fabulous Article which Adam Tweeted and Deleted... I can only believe it was a bit too complimentary for him to own?!
This week is officially (i.e., not officially) Adam Lambertappreciation week, because I've declared it so! Also, because anticipation is running high for the Idol alum's happening-any-day-now comeback single, "Better Than I Know Myself," and sophomore album, Trespassing.
But seriously, Glambert is back in business, and this is a very good thing. So don't trip off the glitz that he's gonna display -- sit back and listen, because that Lambert reign is just kicking off.
Since I have nothing better to do than troll forums looking for people talking about me, this comment = everything.
To the person who posted this unbelievably generous and kind comment about me on a forum: You made my year. Thank
SOOOOO. Jason and I heard it FIRST. Adam Lamberts new single "Better Than I Know Myself" and its FIRE. It totally brings it back to vintage Lambert and reminds me of his original and amazing hit "Whataya Want From Me" but has that new, fresh feel to it. And, I mean...isnt that what we want from our favorite artists? Keep it classy but fresh all at once? Welp, he succeeded.
The lyrics and melody is great,you can sing along to it, feel the energy and sultry vibe to the song.
He has such passion in all of his music and this just seriously exceeds expectations. We cant post the audio just yet, but the second we can you guys will hear it!!!!
Adam Lambert... hope you are considering my request!
Sundance Channel Sundance Channel
Tomorrow's All on the Line w/ @mrjoezee features designer Kathy & Erik Wilson who will design for @adamlambert.
International UStream at 9:30 PM EST
Nobody Lays It "All On The Line" Like The Dapper Joe Zee
Thanks to @SammieMa
The S & Mbert from 12-4-11' is nor finished on 12-6-11.'
Media: #2 pencil, RSVP ball point pen on white poster board
This is the second S & Mbert. Holy Hot Batman!
media: #2 pencil, Prang sketching pencil, black think line marker on white craft paper
Sauli's Weekly Blog
Christmas is soon knocking on the door and I’m coming to spend it in Finland. Today I actually even started to get a bit nervous about coming to Finland, as it’s been such a long time since I was there last time. Luckily it has finally been snowing there, since Christmas really wouldn’t be Christmas if there wasn’t snow on the ground. We are going to try to make a Christmas-Tutka with Katri still before Christmas, so there is a lot to do. I would actually like to ask you about ideas for that Christmas-Tutka. Wishes or requests, anyone?
Adam and Queen... the media continues!
But, Think of the children!
This is how you vote for these two
Best Male Singer ( Adam is # 7 and moving up!!!!)
Who Should Sing at the Olympics (Adam is #2)
Unauthorized Albums
New parody video added! Go see!!
Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed - there's so little competition.
The spark of love creates a flame that requires constant care. It is a fire that must be tended from both sides, or it will fail.
Adam Lambert.....pretty please??????
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Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
New pictures just added!
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
And Part 2 is here:
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Thanks to mmadamimadamm (gonna chose one later)
Videos of Queen at the EMAs are being removed (Keep this one thanks to @GaleChester
EMAs Director's Cut ADAM LAMBERT & Queen 11-6-11 from Gale Chester Whittington on Vimeo.
getting so excited can't wait another moment. please let it be soon.
Don't even joke about becoming a Durbin fan. That's not even funny.
ReplyDeleteI take this to be a sign that Adam is not a morning person. Let us remember, entertainers always work nights.
ReplyDeleteDecember 18 - a Sunday - that's the latest - think this is a go, Gloria? Gives me a week to buy Christmas present and catch up on bills at least. Then - I hope - we HEAR THE SINGLE! Thank heavens for these funny vids that pop up - like the "waiting" one - keeps it all in proportion.
ReplyDeleteLuvya, Lee
Where/who are the adorable photos of the toddler loving Adam on the computer screen from?
ReplyDeleteLove them!
Love the poem, Chloe. But if this weren't a parody, I'd call for an intervention on the Durbin situation. A Glambert is never that