Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Adam's Baby! 15/05/2012

Thanks to @lambosessed
Thanks to @cutiepi300

Thanks to CocoMama

Thanks to CocoMama  CocoMama

Entire Stream Video:  http://www.twitvid.com/3VZBN

First three minutes are black.


AOL Essay Winner



Thanks to ToxicLed

Download of IHeart thanks to @terra_zephead



Canada Itunes:  #1 POP and #1 Album Overall too!


You've made it GLAMBERTS, @AdamLambert has reached ##1 in iTunes Canada!!#HappyTrespassingDayhttp://twitpic.com/9lhqjd






@TaylorG90 Today is the DAY! So proud of you @adamlambert . This album is your love child and she is HOT!!


‏ @illuxxia


And It's Finally Here !  

 Trespassing on it's way up the charts!

#1 on US Itunes, Canada, Finland!


Thanks to @danstruter

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert

Wow!! #Trespassing is sitting nice and high on the itunes chart! What a great sight to wake-up to! Thank you all for checking it out!!

and later

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert

#1 on Itunes?! Yes!!!! #Trespassing


@nilerodgers MAN!! Trespassing is #1 on iTunes!!

Retweeted by Nile Rodgers


Album received an 86 from Billboard!

thanks @14Gelly

Lambert's latest full-length dips into a variety of genres, playfully prodding at electronica and exploring the rock balladry of 2009 debut "For Your Entertainment," but mostly, Lambert just wants to dance. The first half of "Trespassing" frolics through well-worn funk, house and electro-pop tropes, but the club capers never get stale, thanks to Lambert's vocal charisma and ridiculous power. A song like "Shady" could collapse under its fatuous lyrics, but on the track, Lambert demonstrates the raw energy that would make him a great frontman for a band like, say, Queen

Because of the outlandishness embedded in everything he touches, it's easy to not take Adam Lambert seriously. This, of course, is a mistake. "Trespassing" continues the work of the underrated "For Your Entertainment" and allows the singer to keep unveiling his character in broad, colorful strokes. The lesson with Adam Lambert is the same now as it was when he was burning up "Idol" three years ago -- underestimate him at your own risk. 





American Idol ‏ @AmericanIdol

Our own @AdamLambert is performing this Thurs night at 8/7c. We're excited to have him back on the #idol stage!


Livestream for IHeart


Thanks to Gabby

Adam Lambert thanks to ?


Trending  #BuyAdamLambertTrespassing


Adam Announces Memorial Day Concert




Here's what greeted LATimes readers this morning!!! @adamlambert


Adam Lambert at MLB Cave thanks to @Ississ
Adam Lambert thanks to @jam2885
Videos from MLB Cave performance!

Thanks to @virg1877





Kickin IN

Broken English

Trespassing thanks to cutiepi300

 KICKIN BY cutiepi300

 SHADY  thanks to  cutiepi300

 WWFM  thanks to  cutiepi300

BROKEN ENGLISH  thanks to  cutiepi300


‏ @idolsnow
ADAM LAMBERT's "Never Close Our Eyes" jumps 34-32 with a bullet on the Adult Top 40 Audience chart.

@RandomMedley: @GMA just said its officially biggest crowd ever. I wonder why @adamlambert

 Adam Performs Trespassing at GMA thanks to @GaleChester ============================= Thanks to SLucas2006

#Gleeks and #Glamberts unite on #vh1buzz!! Thank you @ChrisColfer & @AdamLambert for a fun morning. xohttp://pic.twitter.com/6MEyRQUB



 With "Trespassing" in stores, Lambert's existence is again taking a turn for the extraordinary, as he launches a campaign RCA Vice President of marketing Nick Pirovano claims will stretch well into 2013. "We know this album has several singles," Pirovano says, adding, "We want a No. 1 album, and we feel good about the setup.

There's a lot going on throughout "Trespassing," but it's to Lambert's credit that he never drowns in excess. He's a capable enough singer to not only keep his head above water but also to make almost every moment soar.
Just follow the glitter trail in the sky.

The album opens with the title track, which is a really aggressive thumper full of bravado, but by the time we get to "Underneath," you're just craving someone who will understand you when all that veneer is stripped away.
What I'm trying to give to the listener [are] things to inspire them and strength and pride and confidence and fun. What I love about it is I think all those songs, whether upbeat or the darker ones, reflect the human experience and what we go through as people. The back half of the album, what I'm trying to connect there is, "Hey, look, I go through all this s--- and I can still be fierce and I can still be strong, but yes, I go through things and I have my doubts and I have my issues." I hope the listener can say, "So do I, me too."

Since season 8 of American Idol kicked off, we have watched the Indianapolis-born, San Diego-raised Adam Lambert blossom from caterpillar to butterfly right before America's eyes.

Adam Lambert's Trespassing
Trespassing (*** out of four) is the album that fans of the former American Idol runner-up have been wanting from him. More cohesive and personal than 2010's For Your Entertainment, it finds Lambert drawn to the beats and sounds of EDM, combining over-the-top dance grooves with multi-tracked vocal marvels. While the title track riffs off Queen's Another One Bites the Dust, the final song,Outlaws of Love, may be the one with traction, a poignant song that addresses the human cost of living outside societal approval. — Brian Mansfield
============================ The Voice POP


Life after American Idol isn’t always so easy.
In the current issue of Rolling Stone Adam Lambert discussed his struggle from Idol into the pop world.
“It’s the Idol stigma. On red carpets at awards shows, other musicians are either really open to embracing me and being friendly and being associated with me, or they just don’t want to,” he said. “A lot of times it’s in my own head, but it feels like a political move to be friends with someone like me.”

Billboard Interviews

Published on May 14, 2012 by UKGlambert

Adam Lambert UK Glamberts :http://theukglamberts.forumotion.co.uk


Sony Music Canada ‏ @Sony_Music

@AdamLambert also stopped by @VEVO recently for an exclusive interviewhttp://vevo.ly/JdOryaHardest working guy in showbiz or what?!


@LaraSpencer @GMA Awww, Lara, don't be afraid of @adamlambert!

1h Lara Spencer ‏ @LaraSpencer

@dinahhmite afraid? I am in LOVE with @adamlambert. He's welcome to do popnews with me ANYTIME on @GMA. And His new music-- FIERCE!!




Gotta run but pls check back later for lots of updates and Trespassing moving up to #1 (fingers crossed)


  1. Sheila Hancock15 May 2012 at 10:56

    Hi -
    Just checked iTunes and Trespassing was #1!!

    Hope it stays there. When will we see sales numbers?

  2. LOL Seeing my tweet in here today is almost as exciting as Adam tweeting me (which will never happen) hahaha.


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