Monday, 2 July 2012

Adam Rules Kiev! 02/07/2012

Adam Arrives in Moscow

Twitvid by likasuperstar (ANzhelika): Adam Lambert 

Arrives in Moscow 7-2-12. Listen to those screams!...

World Clock for Moscow Concert Tomorrow

12 Noon EST, 9AM PST


New Concert in October in Arizona


Adam Lambert rules Kiev thanks to AdamlambertBG

Entire Concert in HD 

I was at times quite mesmerised by what Adam was doing and sometimes forgot to play !! ha ha.


Kiev Set List V3
Flash intro

Seven Seas Of Rhye

Keep Yourself Alive

WWRY Fast 
Fat Bottom Girls
Don’t Stop Me Now 
Under Pressure (Roger+Adam)
I Want It All 
Who Wants To Live Forever 
 It’s a Kind of Magic (Roger)
Days Of Our Lives (Roger)
Love of my Life (Brian)
‘39 (Brian)
Dragon Attack
Drum Battle  - Gtr Solo
I Want To Break Free 
Another One Bites The Dust 
Radio Gaga 
Somebody to Love 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 
Show Must Go On 
Bo Rap 
Tie Your Mother Down (Brian)
We Are The Champions 

Who Wants to Live Forever (I want this song to live forever!)

We are the Champions thanks to

Bohemian Rhapsody


Here's Proof that we can Manifest our Dreams!!!

From this audition:


Rolling Stone ‏@RollingStone
Watch Adam Lambert perform "Bohemian Rhapsody" with Queen last night in Kiev, Ukraine:

Linked together thanks to

Another Version thanks to

Articles about QueenBert!

Lyndsey Parker's


Adam with Queen in a NY newspaper...woooot!!

Media and Downloads of QueenBert! thanks to @terra_zephead

@Lynneville: Trimmed mp3s from 4GB TV rip using Freecorder; Adam only

Adam Lambert performs with Queen in Kiev, Ukraine



Thanks to mmyy9



Check out @adamlambert's chat with @digitalspymusic >


Other News!

White Tie Tiara Ball


We Win for Ultimate Fans!


The Guardian Review (UK)


Russian FlashMob thanks to






#NeverCloseOurEyes @adamlambert is #1 in Indonesia!! Elfara 40 Wow – 01 July @creativedisc


UK spins = 901!!!! Broke the 900's!!!!! Also up to #26 on CapitalFM (needs to be updated on the site, it could be higher). GOOOOOOOOO UK!!!

Please Request NCOE and let's move it up the charts everywhere!!!


Anderson Cooper Speaks Out


What a terrible weekend to have too much company and a terrible internet connection!!!  

Working hard today to catch up on all the news from yesterday and to also watch that amazing concert a few more times before focusing  on Moscow Queenbert tomorrow!!!  

Great times!  So proud of  the super- talented world- dominating major rockstar Mr. Adam Lambert!!!



Check  back for more all day long!


More News from Yesterday!

Lots of Great pictures here:

Page 2, Rochester NY Democrat & Chronicle- @adamlambert + Queen!!!!

@milestougeaux I think the entire world is glad @adamlambert wasn't good at math. He was born to rock the world. Trespassing
Retweeted by MilesTougeaux


adamlambert Boom


  1. Oh Gloria! bad internet connection for Adam in Kiev...not at all fair but hear is hoping yours for Moscow will be way better. I lucked out after trying several and it was so exciting to watch the whole thing unfold Live. Even changed my day to be with my Dad so I could watch it.

    love your mash up of Adam and the crowd at the top of your blog, and Anderson Cooper's write up is terrific. I'm so glad he did that thoughtfully and with such integrity and dignity. lots of love to you, PL

  2. this is all just too exciting, he has turned into not only a pop star but a real "rock star" for sure. I just loved the performances and will look forward to Moscow tomorrow, thank you Gloria for all of your hard work. I want to live forever was my favorite, of course I always love adam's ballads.

  3. What! You have a LIFE, too?! I just don't know how you do it, Gloria, but I am so grateful you do. Thank you!

  4. I've never been more proud to be an Adam fan! He really came through with a classy performance and did not try to mimic Freddie, but instead, honor his genius! Couldn't ask for more!!!

    I get overcome with emotion everytime I watch WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER!!

    Thanks for all the goodies, Gloria!

  5. i hear a girl Real Life has been a pesky thing this weekend and today hoping to get to sit down tonight and watch the whole concert through till then catching bits and pieces here and there when I can. hope you get time to rest and catch up. XOXO

  6. Carol (Joilieder)2 July 2012 at 22:05

    Thank you Gloria for all your work on this blog. I was wondering if you know of any of the live stream links for tomorrow's concert yet? Also, Svetlana (listoffSAY) did another even more beautiful drawing of Adam and I wanted to give you heads up if you wanted to post it. It's on my joilieder.tumblr page or at listoffsay.deviantart page.



If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily