Adam Lambert @adamlambert
What an amazing experience this has been with @QueenWillRock in London. The crowds have been electric!
Adam on E! News Yesterday
Thanks to ?
Concert News!
Thanks to @dazgale
Another amazing shot of the crowd! It's freaking packed w so much ENERGY!!!
adamlambert Ooooh this audience is MAJAH! Loving all the great energy :)
Thanks to @AdamLambertBE
Omg! Adam jumped down into audience!
Adam just ripped a hole in his trousers and spent the song pointing it out.
@NoSilverNoGold He legit bent completely over during IWTBF for a second to show his ass rip, lmao
@Merrycello Then he said "yeah baby!" and waves out to Sauli during "I've fallen in love" <333
Twitvid of ripped pants:
Also, mom was right- never leave the house without clean underwear & a spare pair of sequined zebra pants in case u rip your trousers
Also, mom was right- never leave the house without clean underwear & a spare pair of sequined zebra pants in case u rip your trousers
Queen songs are perfection but live and with @adamlambert on vocals they soar into Orbit!
@bekkynet Video Dragon Attack!! Small clip adam lambert is so hot , he grab brian's arm! !
Video show must go on shirt clip, crowd is wild!!
JFC Show Must Go On = most impressive thing i've seen in my life!!!
He changed his pants to these?@argeneau
NoAngel @NoAngelPF
Not enough words or expletives in any language to convey how amazing that was. 10X more intense than last night!!! Epic!
Crowd loove @adamlambert
@lyndseyparker While I appreciate your admiration, no Elmos were harmed in my creation. All fur was donated by "possibly inebriated) puppets.
Queen fans at front fighting with Adam fans to touch him, grab him screaming their heads off. I could see his sweat dripping down his face
I Want to Break Free: Adam Points at Sauli, Goes into Audience and Pants Rip and he shows it off!
Another View
Thanks to Riddle601b
Who Wants to Live Forever
Fat Bottomed Girls
Thanks to riddle601b
Under Pressure
============================= ============================= =============================== ======================================== ========================== ======================================== Dragon Attack ===================== Bohemian Rhapsody =====================
============================= ============================= =============================== ======================================== ========================== ======================================== Dragon Attack ===================== Bohemian Rhapsody =====================
Thank you @adamlambert for making my job such fun! Was such a hoot shooting Adam, Brian and Roger tonight. Great pant ripping pics to follow
@TVGuideMagazine BREAKING: Fox announces that Steven Tyler has decided to depart #AmericanIdol.
how adorable he ripped his pants and yet never missed a beat that's our boy XOXO