Adam Leaving Shanghai!

Always good to hear!!
Always good to hear!!
@drbrianmay: “@cwm122: love to hear you
team up with @adamlambert on new music! Any
chance ?
” Adam & I are very much in
Adam on Chinese Idol
Adam is very nice ,he made a surprise for a
contestant who is a glambert
@adamlambert at Chinese Idol audition today

Adam is very nice ,he made a surprise for a
contestant who is a glambert
@adamlambert at Chinese Idol audition today
alidol @glam_alidol 20m @adamlambert did a interview for Chinese Idol today …
He taped "Mad World" for the opening show
which airs sometime in May

@glam_alidol 2m
Matching outfits …
@glam_alidol 28m … @adamlambert Chinese Idol so gorgeous
Adam on 80 Show

@glam_alidol … @adamlambert and the director , so gorgeous
Adam performs Pop That Lock
More from Chinese Music Awards
Updated: 14 pictures of Adam Lambert at The
17th Channel V Chinese Music Awards (April 18)
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
9 years ago! Woah. (That's some bad yellow bleach)
Glam Doesn't Age (scroll down a bit)
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Miami Club Here Lounge

(Thanks to Eowyn for the link from which these pictures were taken)
Miami Gay Pride Recaps
Hi Gloria--this is Robin. I just saw your adambertdaily for today (4/21) and one of the pictures you show is of him after he received the key to the City of Miami Beach. He is also holding a little green bag--it is a bracelet with skull heads all around it--I GAVE HIM THAT BRACELET!!!!!! I had someone give it to him at last week's Gay Pride Festival--he then came over to where we were and I looked at him and told him I gave it to him and he looked right at me and said Thank You!!!!! When I saw that pic today on your site--I went NUTS!!!!!!!!

On a gorgeous Sunday morning, I went to “PICK YOU UP”--my Adam Lambert soulmate and best friend Kim & we headed down to Miami Beach to attend
the Miami Beach Gay Pride Festival. Neither one of us had ever
been to one of these before, and we had a BLAST together!!!
Kim was down here on a family vacation with her husband, father,
daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. She sent her family home
Sunday. She changed her flight plans so that we together could go
down and see Adam Lambert perform.
“Where there is a will, there is a way”!!!!!
I had just got out of the hospital with pulmonary edema and Kim
was my NURSEBERT!! I had a walker to sit on when I needed too
and portable oxygen. Kim dropped me off on Ocean Drive and went
to park the car. We met back up after she finally found a
parking spot. We watched the parade, & Kim went to check out
the stage area. We were in the front row when Adam received
the key “Pop That Lock” to the City of Miami Beach from the mayor. I had a
bracelet I wanted to give to Adam—I got the attention of someone
on stage & Kim tossed the bracelet up to him and he gave it to Adam.
Adam then came over so we could take pictures of him—I told
him that I gave him the bracelet and he said Thank You!!! I WAS
We then went to a “SHADY” area & Kim went on another excursion.
She was constantly getting me water and making sure I stayed hydrated. She was
AWESOME!!!!!! She went to find a motorized wheelchair (dunebuggy)
that I could use around the sand and we could see the other
vendors. We got the dunebuggy that had HUGE back wheels—
it was fun trying to negotiate this thru all the people without
“RUNNIN” into them!!! Kim was having fun dancing to the steel
drum bands while I was looking at the different vendors.
We took the dunebuggy back on time, and went to get something
to eat. We got a pizza across the street, then made our way
back to the stage and wait for Adam to come perform. He was
supposed to start at 8, but didn’t come on till 9. We WERE in
the 3rd row, but with more people coming around, we were
pushed back somewhat. But when he finally came on stage, we
were still close enough to see his GORGEOUS EYES & FACE!!!
He sang 4 songs—then he was gone. We thought he might come
out like he usually does, but to no avail. We went across the
street to a hotel lobby to charge our phones. As we were in
there, I saw his buses leave. I assumed he was going to the
airport as he had to be in China on the 17th. We caught a cab
and were taken back to my van & headed back to Ft. Lauderdale.
We had reservations at a hotel on Ft. Lauderdale beach
that Kim has often stayed at & is familiar with. We would be
arriving in the wee hours of the morning after enjoying
a fun filled day at Miami Gay Pride & Adam Lambert. We
approached the room and as Kim was inserting the key, a
man yelled out “Hold On” 3 times. I thought maybe we had
the wrong room number, but we didn’t. We also noticed the
jalousie windows were broken. We frantically dashed back
to my van & Kim saw the guy run from the room leaving the
door wide open. Since it was after hours, no one was available
at the front desk. There was the hotel emergency phone line, but
no one answered when we called. We had no choice but to call
police. Upon investigating, they found sand in the shower, a
messy bed & socks that you receive when in hospital. . .
Evidence of “TRESPASSING”!! Frightened and “SKURRED”, we
went to my house which is close by and stayed there with my partner,
dog & cat. We got to bed that night around 5:30 Monday
morning after being up since 6:30 Sunday morning—“NEVER CLOSE
Monday night Kim & I went to a restaurant on Dania Beach and
had our belated Adam birthday exchange & ate sushi!!. I then
took her to the airport at 6:30 Tuesday morning for her
flight home to Ohio.
We had a fantastic, amazing Adam filled 2 days. I am SOOO
glad & happy that I met Kim thru our shared love of Adam
on the ALFC website. We have become EXTREMELY close
friends & we are both “CUCKOO” crazy for Adam!!
“KICKIN IN” Kim went above & beyond her “Nursebert” duties. I will
ALWAYS be grateful for everything she did to help me
down at the festival. I LOVE HER!!!!!!!
What would you do if you booked your family vacation in South Florida six months before it was announced that Adam Lambert would headline/close the week long event - Miami Gay Pride? That’s what I thought! My heart sunk when my Florida Glambert/Adam Lambert Soul Mate Fan Friend @RobinDutcher informed me that Adam would perform the same day and time that my flight was to depart! I sang: “She wants to be up there in the air where the clouds live…KICKIN IN” with Adam Lambert at Miami Beach Gay Pride!
I went CUCKOO…my mind went RUNNIN in a desperate attempt to find a way to STAY in the Miami area another day! This would entail convincing my “non Glambert” husband that he would travel home without me. He would, however, have the company of other family members including our daughter, son in law, our 8 month old granddaughter and my 81 year old dad! It wasn’t easy to convince my husband that I simply could not bring myself to board a plane just as Adam was to take the main stage! I was meat with closed body language and a bit of sarcasm: “OH NO! Leave without seeing Adam Lambert perform?” I secretly sang: WHATAYA WANT FROM ME?
Enter…Glambert turned Nursebert! With sincere compassion I explained that my friend, Robin, whom I met through Adam Lambert Fan Club, desperately wanted to attend this event! Unfortunately, she is experiencing health issues that require oxygen and a walker. I am knowledgeable in the use of these medical devices and have the reputation of being the Energizer BunnyBert so I HAD to help her! Without my help she wouldn’t be able to attend because her partner was home recovering from surgery! I mean…
“Someone HAD to do it!” #GoodSamaritanBert
I paid a fee to change my return flight and secured a hotel room for two more nights #WorhtIt! After all…Miami Beach Gay Pride, parking with a handicap pass and Adam Lambert’s performance were all free! #Perfect #Justified! “Go on and pack up your thingses/the crazy train is ready to roll!” Ohio and Florida Glambert fan friends would enjoy some much needed “Adam Time!”
Although this event went on all week, we were thrilled to attend the final day! The anticipation and thought of seeing Adam Lambert perform live once again sent us straight to NIRVAVA! There are no words to describe the excitement as we watched the Pride Parade on Ocean Drive in Miami South Beach ! We later learned that Adam viewed the parade from the curb with festival goers just like us! Unfortunately, we didn’t see him in the crowd. I’m guessing his security team was onto us!
After a fabulously flamboyant pride parade complete with floats, live music, dancing, rainbow flags, balloons and banners we made our way, walker and oxygen in tow to the main stage. Here Adam would be presented with the Key to the City of Miami Beach ! We stood a few feet from the stage. Our hearts raced and soared to Glambert Heaven when we saw Adam exit the huge bus and approach the steps to the stage…all smiles! He was given a praiseworthy and honorable introduction. He literally took our breath away with his warm, beautiful and friendly “hi fans” wave! #CrankUpOxygen #ShareOxygen #BounceBounceBounce It was truly a joy to see Adam Lambert receive the Key to the City of Miami Beach , an honor well deserved! POP THAT LOCK, Adam! He invited everyone to return to the main stage on the beach later that evening promising a great party and celebration!
The hours passed quickly as there were blocks of food vendors, artists, open air beach front patio cafes, live music and entertainment on the beach and in the streets which were closed to the public. As promised, I borrowed a wheelchair from Miami South Beach Headquarters for Robin. This wheelchair was designed to power through sand and that it did! With her electric wheels Robin navigated the beach and streets…no problem!
“I don’t need no GPS to show me where to go!” She rocked in her wheelchair as I danced to the beat of steel drums! “Gonna party ‘til they take us away!”
Proudly wearing Adam Lambert tee shirts, we met other Glamberts for the first time! We shared beautiful stories of “Adam Inspiration” with people who don’t “know” Adam as we do. I’m happy and proud to say there are now more Glamberts in the world! We made our way to the main stage hours before Adam was to perform. It was still close to 90 degrees and the sun was shining. We “parked” ourselves as close to the stage as possible. A free outdoor venue means no special arrangements for those with special disabilities. We were in the third row of sardines! While waiting for Adam to take the stage the excited crowd chanted: “ADAM! ADAM! ADAM!” I’m sure that you heard our screams around the world when Adam Lambert and his talented and sexy dancers, Terrance Spencer and Johnny Rice took the stage! They delivered an EPIC performance that will never he forgotten….NEVER! What a thrill to be close enough to see Adam’s beautiful, expressive eyes, the detail on his jewelry and every dance move! #NoWords After his performance we were feeling so SHADY that we waited hoping that Adam would get out of the bus and visit with his fans as he often does. Unfortunately, the bus pulled away. “I’m not stayin’ at home…I got places to roll!” There Adam went off to China !
We love you, Adam!
Since Robin and I live across the country from each other, we had a wonderful belated birthday celebration in honor of Adam’s 31st birthday! How perfect to toast and celebrate Adam on the third level of an ocean front patio restaurant near Miami Beach where Adam Lambert just ignited the stage and audience! Our par-tay included a beautiful sky, warm tropical breezes, swaying palm trees, waves rolling onto the sandy beach and an Adam inspired gift exchange and of course, cocktails! #Cheers
After a long action filled day we needed to charge our phones as they had no battery life. #ChargeJustInCase We stopped at a lovely resort. Even though we were not registered guests at this particular hotel, Robin’s walker and oxygen earned us a seat in the air conditioned lobby! Once our phones were charged it was close to midnight and time to get a bite to eat before we went to our hotel. Out came my iPad at the diner! #MustSeeAgain
Thanks to “Adam Energy” we were wide awake at 2:45 a.m. when we arrived at our hotel. As I attempted to open our hotel room door with the key, an unknown man hollered “HOLD ON ” three times! The door bolted open the man ran away leaving the door wide open! According to police (good thing we charged phones) the man gained access to our hotel room by taking apart the jalousie windows and screens. The police officers said that it appeared he enjoyed a nice shower and took a nap in our room! By the time we made other sleeping arrangements it was 6:00 a.m. … NEVER CLOSE OUR EYES!
The police report charges: TRESPASSING
Adam Events
April 22: Shanghai, China. Adam will be taping a performance for the Chinese Idol opening gala. Air date May 17 or 19th, air date to be confirmed. [Source]
- Adam is also taping for a second TV show on April 22, more info TBA.
May 11: The 24th annual GLAAD Media Awards in San Fransisco at the Hilton San Francisco, Union Square. Adam will receive the Davidson/Valentini Award. Event start time 5:30pm PT. [More info | Ticket info | Redcarpet livestream]
May 25: Performance Vienna, Austria. Life Ball AIDS Solidarity Gaga 2013 at the Hofburg Palace. Adam will be performing, more details TBA. Gala Dinner, auction and entertainment at 6pm local time. Life Ball Opening at 9:30pm. Life Ball (Vienna City Hall) at 11:30pm. [Website]
June 2013
June 15: Concert Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh Pride, Pride in the Street. On the outdoor stage at Liberty Ave between 9th & 10th. Doors at 6pm ET. Start time TBA. Fanclub Presale April 2 at 10am ET. Tickets on Sale April 5th at 10:00am ET. [Source | Pittsburgh Pride's Website |Tickets]
July 2013
July 02: Concert Del Mar, California. San Diego County Fair at Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA at 7:30pm PT. Tickets on sale. [More Ticket Info | Ticketmaster | Fair's FB event page | Fair's Website | Twitter list | Possible livestream]
July 03: Concert Hollywood, California. AT&T Live Proud contest. Meet & Greet and private concert. Date subject to change. Time TBA. [Source - contest info]
Here's a link to watch a youtube video if it doesn't play in your country!
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ReplyDeleteThanks so much Robin and Kim for your account of your fun time with Adam. I love how he brings so many people together. You are lucky to have found each other and have such an amazing Glambert experience with each other. I've made many friends because of Adam and this site is the highlight of my day. Thanks to everyone involved taking and posting these pics of our gorgeous boy. Thanks, Gloria for your constant updates for us Glamberts. We'd be lost without this wonderful site.