Friday, 12 November 2010

Sleigh Ride to Copenhagan, Denmark

Adam and Rollando

Fever, Copenhagan courtesy of Rollando




Sure Fire Winners

Music Again


20th Century Boy


Opening Melody - Copenhagan

If I Had you By Suz, Copenhagan

Show Time 2pm EST

Suz is there!!!!!!

Adam Lambert reaches another milestone in album sales!

Adam Lambert continues to do well in sales, clearly proving that he is not just another American Idol alum that will fade into oblivion. According to USA Today, Adam Lambert has reached another milestone with his debut album For Your Entertainment. The album has now sold more than 750,000 copies. -Examiner

The Girls went shopping - so did the guys!



Tim Ward


StoreVega Denmark

CAM Interview

If I Had You - Band Intro Oslo Norway


20th Century Boy Stockholm

Soaked - Stockholm

Taken by rntmom Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by rntmom Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7Taken by rntmom Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by rntmom Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7
Taken by hellonhighheels Stockholm, enhanced by Aquariussue7


Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7
Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7

Stockholm enhanced by Aquariussue7

Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7
Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7

Meet & Greet Stockholm
Meet & Greet OsloMeet & Greet Oslo
Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7


Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7
Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7

Stockholm all photos from Maggie_97 enhanced by Aquariussue7


  1. wasn't Issac just a little coldup there without a shirt..i'm freezing and i'mnot even there..:)

  2. Thank you for all the great pics and video's- WOW- Meet and Greet pics-*so perfect**

  3. Wow - what a great bunch of pics! And Adam gets more beautiful every time I see him.

  4. Hi! Love your site but just gotta say that the pic towards the end saying M&G Stockholm of Adam - that has to be from Oslo. I was at M&G Stockholm and they are not from that day =)

    Keep up the good work! Love from Sweden

  5. Thanks for the amazing post! :)

  6. Thank you @aquariussue7 for all the works of putting things together while Gloria is away. Love it !

  7. The M&G photos are all from Oslo...
    Thanks for great pics and vids :)

  8. What a beautiful man with the voice of an angel. I can never get enough of Adam. I know that I'm always in for a treat when I come to your blog. Thank you for sharing all of the gorgeous pics and vids!! :)

  9. Thanks for this page. I went to the concerts in both OSLO and COPENHAGEN. They were both OUTSTANDING. In Oslo I was in front row and could enjoy Adam's beautiful face close up... something I'll never forget. I was totally blown away... in Copenhagen I was a the first row at the balcony with Suz who gave us this huge gift - all the amazing video's of the full concert.
    I was fantastic to watch the crowd go totally bananas and he was so loved that you could feel it all over Vega.
    I was at the M&G both places and Adam is sooo sweet, down to earth and very very beautiful.
    2 concerts and M&G's I'll never forget and to have the concert from Copenhagen at DVD now is a blast. I can get my Adam fix whenever I want and at the same time say "I was there"...


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily