Jingle Ball Philly on December 8...Adam, when are you returning to the US? Extreme GlamNation withdrawal worldwide!
Rumor is that Adam is in Chicago right now!
AQS7 here, ahh so that answers the question why WE HAVE ALL THE SNOW. Adam brought it with him from Paris! Luv Ya Adam, but please leave the snow in Paris!!!!!

Adam Lambert on His Grammy Nomination: 'I Earned My Success"
http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B300A20101204?feedType=RSS&feedName=entertainmentNews&WT.tsrc=Social%20Media&WT.z_smid=twtr-Reuters_Entmnt&WT.z_smid_dest=Twitter (same article on Reuters)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20101204/en_nm/us_adamlambert (same article on yahoo)


hooplamagnet Acoustic Live! now available on iTunes Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland
mmyy9 Acoustic Live! EP by Adam Lambert is now at #20 in Pop, #58 in Music on iTunes Germany.
Tweeted around 12 AM est Dec 4
oriharakaoru Eeeee Adam's #17 on iTunes Australia (pop)! :DDD

Adam tweeted today:
adamlambert New Robyn music is so fresh. :)
This is an older Robyn song that Adam recommended a while ago... Love it!

Birmingham Soaked....beautiful! (Thanks to @Adam_Obsessed for sending this oone to me)

Exclusive Hour with Adam in Hungary
(pardon the computer translation)

el3c7ra: FYE new single in Sweden :'D
Scarlett and Lee Cherry have this amazing project they are working on!
If you have not heard, it's called "Labor of Love"!
They have both been great to Adam and his fan base!
Check it out.....Let's pay it forward!!
Take a look at the rewards...for example, if you pledge $150 you will be invited to the VIP listening party... just wondering who else might possibly be there?
and for a pledge of $350... a photo session with Lee Cherry!
Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
PAB_Sistahs Limited edition Vampire @TommyJoeRatliff Keyrings up for order later today from http://www.angelbatz.org http://twitpic.com/3ct5kw
If you have not heard, it's called "Labor of Love"!
They have both been great to Adam and his fan base!
Check it out.....Let's pay it forward!!
Take a look at the rewards...for example, if you pledge $150 you will be invited to the VIP listening party... just wondering who else might possibly be there?
and for a pledge of $350... a photo session with Lee Cherry!
Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
PAB_Sistahs Limited edition Vampire @TommyJoeRatliff Keyrings up for order later today from http://www.angelbatz.org http://twitpic.com/3ct5kw

Voting Links
http://www.portraitmagazine.net/ (Adam is only #3)
Adam's Grammy page http://www.grammy.com/photos/adam-lambert-0
Register , read the comments and leave your own!
MuchMusic's Top 10 videos of 2010: http://bit.ly/cVhFcn
(IIHY on third page)
Watch IIHY and FYE videos
Fuse...Who did they overlook?
(adam is behind!)
Sleepwalker links: http://adamlambertfans.com/forum/fan_groups_regions/12882
(Sleepwalker Canada spins information: http://www.adamofficial.com/us/node/1144877)
WWFM and IIHY http://musicbillboard.webs.com/top100songsvote.htm
Calender of Future Events
Dec 6/10 Adam Acoustic Live! EP released
Dec 8/10 Q102 (Philadelphia) Jingle Ball
Dec 11/10 Y100 (Miami) Jingle Ball
Dec 15/10 Los Angeles, Music Box
Dec 16/10 Los Angeles, Club Nokia
Dec 22/10 Acoustic EP released in Japan
Concert DVD to be released.
Feb 13/2011 Grammy Award Presentation ( possible performance!!)
Spring/Summer 2011 Adam's second album released
Thanks to @aquariussue7 for posting the pictures today
Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!
Please contact me @adamquotedaily or adamquotedaily@hotmail.com or @aquariussue7
If you would like a daily email when my blog is published, please visit Tommy (one of the most popular posts) and in the top right corner click on Email subscription...
still using the Wordpress list cause not sure how to switch it...
lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!
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If you missed this yesterday!
i managed to score 2 really great free tickets to Jingle Ball on Wednesday but i cant go because its in camden (jersey) which is like 2 hours away from me and its a REALLY bad area. My mom said that if it had been anywhere else i could go=( i am SOOOO upset. i have to give back my tix to Live Nation which is the company that gave them to my dad for free (cuz of his work). i am SOOO sad!!!! All of my fav aritst will be there and i had great seats. ahh well. but yeah u might wanna mention that the philly show is actually in Camden NJ.
ReplyDeletethanks Gloria