Adam..Congratulations on your Grammy Nomination for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for WWFM!
Lets get everyone voting!!!

SO well deserved.....World Domination Continues!
Also nominated for producing some of Adam's songs are Rob Cavello and Dr. Luke!!

adamlambert Woah!!! Just got the news! A Grammy nomination?!?! I'm floored and honored. There are no words....
(approx 3AM EST)
==================Congratulations Adam!
TommyJoeRatliff @adamlambert SO fucking proud of ya, Babyboy!!!! (1AM EST)
negativeneil @adamlambert well well well!
Leila (on ALFS) Yeah!!!!!!The boy got a Grammy Nomination! Am I a proud mom or what!? Best Male Pop Vocal......wohooo!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATAYA WANT FROM ME!!!!!!
TaylorG90 A big congratulations to my best friend/ Grammy nominee @adamlambert You deserve this! I love you.
Monterrific Congratulations to my friend and GRAMMY NOMINEE !!! @adamlambert. Also to fellow Longview, Texan @Miranda_Lambert. Long live the Lamberts!
Brookesauce75 So proud of mr. Lambert! What a way to finish the tour! Amazing! I have chills!
leecherry @adamlambert wooohooo!!!! Grammy nom!! Best Pop Male Perf!! Whattaya Want From Me?? A Grammy! That's what! So proud of you bud!!!
scarlett_cherry: GRAMMY NOMINEE @adamlambert!!!! This IS the FIERCE REALNESS!!! Luv u proud! <<33333333
jambajim Wooot @adamlambert!! Your competitors best be shaking in their (far less stylish) boots. Best Male Pop Vocal Grammy nom? You got this, son!!
Callie17 @adamlambert, lots of proud fans, so happy for u...voice of an angel with some devil thrown in :)
NancySinatra @1RockinMama "Did you see that @adamlambert was nominated for a Grammy?" ~ Isn't that fabulous? I'm so happy for him.
DavidImmerman Big ups & congrats to grammy nominee @adamlambert !!! <3 and miss ya!
Netmeg99_ @adamlambert ★S★U★P★E★R★S★T★A★R★
AnoopDoggDesai: @adamlambert congrats brother, you deserve it
michaelsarver1 Incredible news @adamlambert. Congrats on your Grammy Nomination! Not shocked at all though. It's your destiny bro!
carole_bouchard Congrats @adamlambert for the Grammy nomination ! Worth to party it in Paris ;) So now i had interviewed a Grammy boy for 1st time wow ;)
KellyStanaj They culd just shorten Adam's nom to 'Best Male' & it wuld still be correct ;) <33333
Adam's Possible Reaction to the News!

Or this at 5:45!

Adam In Paris Today SMILING
Look at Category #6 for Adam and #92 for producers Rob Cavello and Dr. Luke ( for Adam's songs)
Full HD Set of London:
Articles about Adam's Glammie Nom! (includes a poll)
This Week's Sales Numbers
ItsJoooory USA Today: Track Sales; Adam Lambert, If I Had You (11,000, +22%, 659,000) AWESOME \o/
ItsJoooory USA Today: Album Sales; Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment (4,000, +19%, 762,000) \o/
This Week's Sales Numbers
ItsJoooory USA Today: Track Sales; Adam Lambert, If I Had You (11,000, +22%, 659,000) AWESOME \o/
ItsJoooory USA Today: Album Sales; Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment (4,000, +19%, 762,000) \o/
All Photos enhanced by AQS7

Just in Case someone out there needs reminding!
The Genius of Adam Lambert through WWFM!
(Work in progress)

Translation of Paris Review by Carole Bouchard (she interviewed Adam yesterday)
The Legend Begins..............

Review Article in UK Times
Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
Voting Links
(please tweet me any additional ones that should be added @adamquotedaily)
Adam's Grammy page
Register , read the comments and leave your own!
MuchMusic's Top 10 videos of 2010:
(IIHY on third page)
Watch IIHY and FYE videos
Fuse...Who did they overlook?
Sleepwalker links:
(Sleepwalker Canada spins information:
Calender of Future Events
Dec 6/10 Adam Acoustic Live! EP released
Dec 8/10 Q102 (Philadelphia) Jingle Ball
Dec 11/10 Y100 (Miami) Jingle Ball
Dec 15/10 Los Angeles, Music Box
Dec 16/10 Los Angeles, Club Nokia
Dec 22/10 Acoustic EP released in Japan
Concert DVD to be released.
Feb 13/2011 Grammy Award Presentation ( possible performance!!)
Spring/Summer 2011 Adam's second album released
Thanks to @aquariussue7 for posting the pictures today
Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!
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lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!
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I just love your blog! Seeing all the comments from Adam's friends on the Grammy nomination - I'm teary again (like last night!) So happy for this!
ReplyDeleteI am crying I am so shocked and happy. Good for Adam!
ReplyDeleteHEY! heehee TICKLED u added my congrats to Adam in ur blog! :'D <3333333 Shannnkkkkk uuuuu
ReplyDeleteI love your blog i wait for it every day and today the news about the Grammy nomination just made my day i'm soo happy and proud of him there are no words to describe it
ReplyDeleteLoved the Tweets !! Great research.
ReplyDeleteFavorite - Adam Lambert, Best Male, period.
It's difficult to express the joy I feel at the recognition of this man's monumental talent. No one deserves it more. Happy, happy, happy! Lee
ReplyDeleteI am having a wonderful day, and part of it is thanks to you. When I saw the title of today's blog, I let out a shriek of excitement. Who knew?And here we were kvetching about how Adam would probably be overlooked. And yes, the Grammy will most likely go to Bruno Mars(who I like, but certainly don't love). But there is a chance, and Adam will get to attend the Grammys. Just seeing him on the red carpet will make me so proud. If he wins I might brag for weeks. Or months....
Love ya!
That last comment was me, IsabelR.
ReplyDeletegreat post Glloria and i must say love the last pic with the tag Bow Down Bitches that is my favorite and must say he totally has the right to say it.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of that: "Adam's Grammy Page"
ReplyDeleteThank you for starting my day off with a bang! I always click your post first thing in the morning and I know the day will be good!
ReplyDeleteI turned off the show because I was disgusted at the whle thing, and didn't know about Adam's Nomination - FINALLY!!!! - AND HE WILL WIN THIS!!! I'M SO HAPPY I COULD CRY!!! He deserves tis and so much more!!! Now to take over the whole world, which he will!!! YEAAH!!!!!!!!