Thursday, 24 March 2011

Where's Adam?

 Another talented artist!  - From Miss Saana Art -    Sauli's older sister!

Thanks to @kaakosa  for posting


Where's Adam?

BonnieMcKeee In the lab getting kinky w/ @adamlambert.... Um...this dude will sing your face off. And you will bow
 down to him. #InCaseYouDidntKnow
(10 PM PST)

adamlambert @BonnieMcKeee #hotbitch

@BonnieMcKeee I wanna steal bonnie's leggings.


Enhanced by @weelassie 

Good Reviews of Glam Nation Live


Enhanced by @weelassie

Keep Requesting Aftermath Remix


Enhanced by @weelassie

If this resonates with you, it's for you!

On this day of your life... every day or rather, every moment--you will have a

chance to be Right or to be Love.

Your choice will define who you are.

Neal Donald Walsh


Adam Briefly at 12:25


There are many articles today that mention Adam and American Idol  comparisons.  I'm chosing not to post these.  As I said last week, I find AI kind of annoying unless Adam is performing.

I do like many of the contestants and hope they do well!

MetalEmpress James was a victim of bullying & bashing because of his disabilities. It's a shame to see ppl doing the same thing to him now. #NOH8


Enhanced by @weelassie

Adam's Charity Water Campaign tops $300,000

Still 17 days left!


Adam is #1


Remember Amsterdam?

Enhanced by Aquaruissue7
Enhanced by Aquaruissue7
Enhanced by Aquaruissue7
Enhanced by Aquaruissue7
Enhanced by Aquaruissue7

Definitely will not be watching this one!

milestougeaux There should be more inarticulate thugs interviewed on AM TV talk shows to serve as role models for our medium security prison population

negativeneil @milestougeaux GMA: beating women & violent outbursts 2 YEARS LATER when asked about it? Just fine. Kissing a man? Completely inappropriate!

Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

Thanks to @dougiesauris

Pictures from last night thanks to @etharei

From The Palms thanks to @etharei

Lots More pictures here:


Information/Resource Pages

Adam Lambert 101:  An introduction

Saul Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates today)

and leave me a comment to let me know what you think

Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!

“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!

Monte’s wife Lisa called this post “Awesome! and Monte Retweeted

Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert

“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”

And Part 2 is here:


Adam Dollar Bills To Support DonorsChoose!

A MUST for every Adam Lambert Fan!!

Sold by @Immafun1


Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!

Please contact me @adamquotedaily or


If you would like a daily email when my blog is published, please visit Adam or Tommy (one of the most popular posts) and in the top right corner click on Email subscription...
lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!


Special thanks to @aquariussue7 for continually helping with pictures!  I really appreciate your contribution more than you can know!  MUAH!

Please help me spread the awesomeness of Adam and share this on twitter, facebook etc. by clicking on the icons below!

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TWITTER BIRD- click on it for @adamlambert twitter stats (  this morning )

Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.




  1. love the pic of Adam with his eyes looking 'high' in Amsterdam with Tommy's black lipstick smeared all over his mouth. Great pics. Thanks ;)

  2. "and you will bow down to him" - now, that's enticing! Love these peeks at his recording sessions - more, please. And Sauli's sister drew that great pic of Adam? - that's interesting, too. And the DVD is making its march up the charts? - makes me feel so happy to hear that. Go, babe! Love, Lee

  3. Re James and his tourettes comment. From a Mom who has a son with a mild form of autism it makes me very angry that James is being bullied still. Adults should know better. Kids need to be taught not to bully or ridicule any disability, disfugurement or someone who is gay!Tourettes can be a devstating disability because the facial tics and swearing or whatever the affiction may be, often are at their worst during times of stress for the individual affected. They simply can't control the strange behaviours. I wish James well in the competition and I hope people are voting for his talent and not because some may feel sorry for him because he has a disability. anyway to get to the topic of Adam. I finally received my Glamnation cd yeah!!!I have never heard of Bonnie McKee before Adam's tweet regarding her leggings? the other day and in this blog. Anyone else know her?

  4. Number8gurl.. Thanks for pointing out what the black stuff is! I was like Duh? Must have been tired this morning!

    Lee... very enticing especially when more people do it!

    Pam... I think James will do very well and he is inspiring lots of people. All types of bullying needs to be stopped for sure!

    Thanks for your comments! Gloria

  5. Pam,
    Bonnie McKee is the person Adam should be working with RIGHT NOW!! She is a hit-maker for Katy Perry, Britney,& Taio Cruz ! Adam is in great company!!!

    **Thanks Gloria for a great post! Love the TJR black smudge!!!!

  6. great job Gloria love all the tommy pics nice to see him and monte still out and rocking. plus love hearing that Adam is working so hard can't wait to hear the finished album later this year. hugs


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily