Saturday, 23 April 2011

Cheers, Adam Lambert!

Adam Lambert and Riff Cherry
Adam and Riff?

Blurry one thanks to @idolme922


 adamlambert 1 million!!? Woah this is a trip.

                           (9 AM EST)

From the Urban Dictionary!

"Trip":  2. Can be used figuratively in a way that is very often used to describe things that are crazy, chaotic, cool, or ,esp., figuratively capable of inducing hallucinations.

Thanks to Sarah Kay


                    and today at 2:30 Pm EST its at 1,002,024

Adam Lambert sporting his goatee at the ASCAP Awards
Last night, many of us changed our Avis to support Goatee Adam!  Most of my feed was this picture!

adamlambert Wham

(tweeted 10 AM EST)

This is the picture Adam tweeted!


 TommyJoeRatliff  @adamlambert Holy SHIT! 1,000,000+ followers!! ... KIPPIS!!!!!! :p


leecherry @adamlambert First a million followers...and then...the world!! Muahahahahaha!!!

SonyMusicNZ: BOOM! 1m followers for @adamlambert - well done sir (and all you Glamberts)!

SonyMusicNZ: srsly where's my glitter cannon when I need it. AdamTo1Million

Thanks to all the incredible Glamberts who spent four hours yesterday attempting to trend (thanks to @lovelightadam for removing the Hashtag) and then trending Adamto1million.  Once it was trending Worldwide and in the US, the numbers flew upwards til we hit the million mark at 11:52 PM EST!

Welcome to all the new fans and apologies for filling your feed with craziness.  Promise it wont happen again until the next time! Haha..


Beautiful upward gaze from Adam Lambert 
                       Keep Your Eyes on the Prize cause it's yours, Adam!

Adam Lambert, Twitter Million Heir

Great article by Ann Mason!

"Adam Lambert has reached the exclusive Twitter milestone of one million followers.This was inevitable, given his extraordinary talent, personality, and communication skills. He's said he enjoys the real-time connection with others, and people know the comments are his alone."


Adam's First Tweets (read from bottom up) thanks to @Foxvegas!

Was that the last time he tweeted his location?  LOL... how many people showed up?

Remember this memorable Tweet?

Which are your favorite Adam tweets?  Leave them in the Comment section below!


New Old Pictures of our MFB (million follower baby) from the AI Top 36 thanks to

Melt my heart!


This Song was calling my name this morning! It was the first song Adam released Post-Idol and I love it and remember how excited we all were to hear it! That excitement continues!


This is NOT About Adam but I believe he would really enjoy this!  Amazing story about Authenticity and so many other qualities Adam embodies!

Can't wait to see this movie!

Oxytocin, vagal stimulation and more courtesy of Adam Lambert!

This article from last year is about Adam... and it's beautiful!


Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

You must read this stuff...

Thanks to @isaacthecarp

Tommy Joe Ratliff prepares to play on American Idol 
                                            Backstage at Idol rehearsal thanks to @isaacthecarp

Tommy pic from March 31, 2010

from an event at Club Moscow, LA

thanks argeneau via @tjrpics

thanks to @isaacthecarp

Information/Resource Pages

New Page- Check it out! Adam's Pre-Idol Music

Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!

Adam Lambert 101: An introduction

Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)

and leave me a comment to let me know what you think

Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!

“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!

Monte’s wife Lisa called this post “Awesome! and Monte Retweeted

Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert

“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”

And Part 2 is here:


Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!

Please note that your comments won't show up right away!

Please contact me @adamquotedaily or



If you would like a daily email when my blog is published, please visit Adam or Tommy (one of the most popular posts) or Sauli and in the top right corner click on Email subscription...

lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!


Special thanks to @aquariussue7 for continually helping with pictures! I really appreciate your contribution more than you can know! MUAH!

Please help me spread the awesomeness of Adam and share this on twitter, facebook etc. by clicking on the icons below!

Leave a comment... click on the word Comment below if the box is missing!


TWITTER BIRD- click on it for @adamlambert twitter stats ( this morning )

Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.



  1. Thanks for the great post!

    Adam: "Goatee. Don't like it? Suck it! :)"


  2. Great post Gloria.
    Another great day in the life of Adam and his Glamberts:)
    One Million Twitter Followers, Gorgeous Adam with Goatee, what more can we ask for.....Gotta love this man!!!!!

    Gloria476 aka LuvAdam476 not to be confused with Gloria of AQD


  3. great post still blows my mind 1 million wow he deserves everything wonderful. have a wonderful Easter weekend

  4. Thanks for Everything you do for us!! We would be so lost without you, how could we ever do this on our own. Christine

  5. Hi Gloria, The blog today really made me feel good. I was a bit down last night and this morning I knew your blog would be there to lift my spirits! I enjoyed the behind the scenes video from "Radio"- that was cool seeing Tommy and Monte there. I do love the tweet that Adam did simply saying "Sauli"..that was WAY TOO CUTE- I also love when he says "woops"- too funny! The pic he tweeted of himself in the white shirt is SO GORGEOUS! Thanks again for a great job- Much appreciated - Andrea Powderpuffnails - PROUD GLAMBERT ~ :)

  6. Christine! Way to make me feel needed!

    Gloria XO

    Becca Muah! Happy Easter!

    Thanks Andrea. Makes my day to think that I can help lift your spirits through spreading the news of Adam! Hugs!

    Love you all!


  7. It's interesting the difference in Adam's face since he's lost weight. Grammy's last year his physique was heavier - this Grammy's his body is much sleeker and more elegant - face more chiseled. Love the Top 36 pics - like many here experienced Adam's talent for the first time - probably late 2008 - when he looked like a boy - now definitely a man. The twitpic of him with the pout - that may be one of my favorites - a glimpse of the everyday guy. Yum. And to echo Christine above - you're the first e-mail I look for everyday - always something new and delicious. luv, lee

  8. Checking in late - and sure enough - another new pic of Adam and Sauli in a (I presume) New York bar. Like how they're both laughing - with Adam's arm around Sauli. Reserved table sign? Think the boy's getting to like the Big Apple. Was just reading about Maroon 5's singer, Adam Levine, and how living in NY changed his music. Hmmmm - Well, time to say nighty night - Lee
    P.S. In that Bar pic - no face hair?
    P.P.S. Where'd that pic with Riff(?) come from? BB teasing us some more? lol


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily