Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Rock Star!

Glam Nation DVD sells 4000 copies this week!


Vote for Adam



According to their latest blog, Sauli and Katri will be at Idol tonight!  Hopefully there will be some glimpses of them on air... don't think Adam will be there but you never know!

RCAPromoThe @AdamLambert "Aftermath" remix is now available on @iTunesMusic, get yours here ---> #GlamNation


Four more days left for the Charity:Water Campaign

Take a look!

Photo taken by LightLoveAdam, Nokia, enhanced by Aquariussue7

milestougeaux Lunch with rock star son, dinner with writer girlfriend and some literati. #howdidIgethere
(12 PM EST) 

milestougeaux Having fun watching Sia and Ad creating music in studio.... Diggin this field trip


(Hmmm... did you miss dinner Dadbert?)

adamlambert  had an epic writing session w @siamusic, @OhFerras today!! Still buzzin w delight!!

(9 PM PST)

(Virg1877 OMG..@adamlambert said "EPIC")

 siamusic: NicoBlackheart yeh he is so so amazing. we wrote an unbelievable song.
(1 AM PST)

Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7


BC Jean talks to about Adam Lambert


Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7

Freddy sings...gorgeous Adam Pictures!


Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7


NewNextNow Awards taping Thursday!

Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7


I'm Such a Pushover for any of Adam's Interviews so I adore this video!

Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7
Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7

Guess who!  Thanks to @throwglitter
Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7

Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7


Haven't seen this version tweeted by Kris Allen Yesterday....Crazy from Kradison!

Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7


Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

Tommy mentioned here:

Next three pictures thanks to @cecycat1 at the Mint

Lots more here:
Taken by Kitty Baroque, Melbourne, Enhanced by Aquariussue7

Tommy tweeted this and I find it really funny too!


Taken by Dougiesauris, Enhanced by Aquariussue7

Yah, this is the picture that caused a bit of a ruckus yesterday.  It now has a name on it so it shall never be posted without one.

Just want to say, I did receive a personal email from Doug who apologized for overreacting (YUP!) and explained how his Ustreams are copied..........


I love twitter because I believe it is a microcosym of real life.  I find that when you follow people for a time, they show you very quickly who they are and you can trust that what you see here is real.  I have found this to be true when I have met people after knowing them on line.

So yesterday, I unfollowed/blocked three people who tweeted and assumed I was guilty.  But, I also ended up following several people who publicly questioned the accusations and the way it was delivered.  I personally thanked those of you who were willing to stand up and speak your mind.

I received many, many DMs from you guys in support, lots from people who rarely DM me.  I really do appreciate it so very much.

I really enjoyed this lesson cause I love to grow and become a better person.  Just like Adam!  

It's all Good!!!


Adam Dollar Bills To Support DonorsChoose!

A MUST for every Adam Lambert Fan!!

Sold by @Immafun1


Information/Resource Pages

Adam Lambert 101:  An introduction

Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates today)

and leave me a comment to let me know what you think

Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!

“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!

Monte’s wife Lisa called this post “Awesome! and Monte Retweeted

Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert

“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”

And Part 2 is here:


Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!

Please note that your comments won't show up right away!

Please contact me @adamquotedaily or



If you would like a daily email when my blog is published, please visit Adam or Tommy (one of the most popular posts) and in the top right corner click on Email subscription...

lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!


Special thanks to @aquariussue7 for continually helping with pictures!  I really appreciate your contribution more than you can know!  MUAH!

Please help me spread the awesomeness of Adam and share this on twitter, facebook etc. by clicking on the icons below!

Leave a comment... click on the word Comment below if the box is missing!


TWITTER BIRD- click on it for @adamlambert twitter stats (  this morning )

Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.




  1. Good Morning Glamily. Adam is in the studio and all is right with the world. Love today's photos and music video "You Take My Breath Away". There really is some sort of cosmic connection between Adam and Freddy Mercury. Lots of great stuff here to keep us going until we see our Rock God again. Thanks to all the contributors for your wonderful work. I truly appreciate it. Peace and Love.

  2. That adorable baby pic - is it Tommy?

  3. Gloria, please tell me, is the baby picture of Tommy Joe? It looks just like him!! Dorothy

  4. That gorgeous baby picture is none other than.....drumroll!


  5. I missed all the controversy yesterday but wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work. Yours is the first email I look at every morning..before work or family. Not sure how I would get through the day without you...thank you. Liz

  6. Dee Wallace, Canada6 April 2011 at 15:21

    Gloria, if there's one thing that's a certainty it's that you are NEVER self-aggrandizing. Obsessed about AL -yes! And we are all so grateful for that! You always give credit to an artist or source where possible. I saw Dougie's rebuke, but thought he must have had the wrong person, so didn't react. I'm sorry that I didn't jump to your defense sooner, as I should have........but am glad to hear that he cooled down and reached out to you - you are the absolute last person he should be jumping on.

    Please just keep doing what you're doing - we love it!

  7. Thanks Ana, Dee and everyone for the kind comments! Me obsessed? LOL...

    But honestly, I'm just a good gatherer of information. And for now, it's enough!


  8. Jeanine Politte6 April 2011 at 18:18

    I won't dwell on the past as you handled it very gracefully. Sh*t happens and there are plenty of repeat offenders out there claiming photos, videos, etc as their own - you did not. Love your blog postings and so cool that Doug reads it too!
    We are in great company - the Glamily!

  9. wow i missed all the drama the other day guess it was a good thing i was on a fieldtrip though i'm sorry i wasn't there to have your back any ways glad it all worked out seems several people i know have had it rough lately hope the warm air isn't making evryone to frisky. but onward great post as always and though it maybe a little late..BIGE, HUGE, GLITTERY HUGS and glad all is well.


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily