My Favorites from Starfish Agency taken by Micah Smith
See all 80 pictures here:
Another group here:
Adam Lambert performs in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @LightLoveAdam
Album Release Info? Could it be November 8th? Is it November yet?
MonsterFMGroup Adam Lambert to release first single from his new album late August / early September.
Album Release Info? Could it be November 8th? Is it November yet?
MonsterFMGroup Adam Lambert to release first single from his new album late August / early September.
MonsterFMGroup @sagajo Album is set for November but the first single will be released earlier.
4evrmomof4@MonsterFMGroup wouldn't only the single be eligible due to 9/30 cutoff date, or would the entire album...
MonsterFMGroup @4evrmomof4 still waiting to hear about the album but you're right with the cutoff
Remember; things always change in the music industry. It's not official until you hear it from the artist or label.
satanicfloret@MonsterFMGroup so you are saying this is just hype?
MonsterFMGroup @satanicfloret we always try to provide correct info 99.9% of the time. The other 1% we create the hype :)
MonsterFMGroup @satanicfloret thanks, we do love Adam Lambert & his music.
Story of Adam Inspiation thanks to Angelina Kalahari!
Wow Gloria, what a fab competition!
Well, Adam has been such a massive influence on my life, that I feel compelled to send you my bit, regardless of whether or not I win anything!
Firstly, I thought I'd send you what I'd posted on my page on ALFC, because it explains how I 'met' Adam and what that has meant to me, so here is an amended version (my name online is Starlight and my twitter name is Starlight8AL):
Well, Adam has been such a massive influence on my life, that I feel compelled to send you my bit, regardless of whether or not I win anything!
Firstly, I thought I'd send you what I'd posted on my page on ALFC, because it explains how I 'met' Adam and what that has meant to me, so here is an amended version (my name online is Starlight and my twitter name is Starlight8AL):
Whilst recovering from an operation, I was bored silly, flicking through the TV channels, when I stumbled upon Adam’s audition on AI8. I could see he was an experienced performer by the way he walked and moved, and immediately fell in love with his personality when he said: “I’m not skeerd.” But I’ll never forget when he started to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. That’s when I knew I was watching someone very, very special, and nearly threw a pillow at the TV when Simon started humming and hahhing about Adam being too theatrical! Needless to say, I’ve continued to be mesmerized by his voice ever since then!
The human voice, to me, is the ultimate instrument and I've been fascinated by it since I started singing myself, aged five. But to my mind, Adam’s taken singing and performing to a whole other level - his body of work on American Idol is a masterclass in modern singing and stage performance skillsl! And not only that - he really is an exceptionally powerful human being - I have personally been inspired by him to be artistically less fearful and to take more risks with my repertoire and presentation.
I’m enormously grateful that I have survived my serious illness, and fully recovered once again, not only can I share the Adam experience with all of my fellow Adam addicts, but I still sing a little when I can, write when I want, and try, by teaching singing, to inspire others to discover joy through their own vocal instrument - thereby, hopefully helping to nurture any future ‘Adams’! (Not really - he's a one-off!) But I'm so aware now - even more than before - of the enormous effect, as their singing teacher, I might have on my students and on their futures. And just recently, two of my young male students have come out to me first as being gay - what an honour that they felt comfortable enough to share that with me! Of course, having worked in the theatre for most of my life, I'm used to working with many gay and lesbian performers and backstage people, but I have never before had someone come out to me before. And because of Adam's amazing example and work with The Trevor project and the It Get's Better campaign, I had him and the video to refer them to. It's been wonderful to be able to share in their journeys as they continue to become more of who they really are.
And it’s been such a relief to discover and befriend so many wonderful, supportive Adam fans, who, like me, have never before followed any particular artist (well...Prince, but that was nothing like the Adam experience!), or joined a fan club, or felt compelled to participate in discussions and voice their passionate feelings for an artist in internet chat rooms - just as well, because my family, friends and colleagues all think I’ve lost the plot! But how wonderful to have so many new friends I’d otherwise never have met - all thanks to Adam! I wonder if he realizes how much the love he advocates are spreading like ripples throughout the world. In an interview he once mentioned that, although it sounds clichéd, it would be great to have world peace - well, I’d like to think it could happen this way - music is a powerful medium!
Born in Namibia, I have lived in a few countries around the world, but currently I live in London, UK, with my martial-arts-mad hubby and my gorgeous Bengal cat, Dame Evee.
On alternate Tuesdays you can catch me talking about Adam's voice - and other related topics - at 10:30pm UK time on and 10:00am UK time daily for the rest of that week. You can also check out my programme, The Sound Bath, on where you can chat, leave comments and ask me anything.
Favourite Adam sayings: “More is more” and “Why not?”
Of course, Adam is not only beautiful inside and out,

he is funny,

he's the greatest entertainer in the universe

and oh good lawd! he's the sexiest man alive!

Mark Your Calenders! Another Enlightening Radio show by
Angelina Kalahari (June 28, 5:30 PM EST I think!)
The Sound Bath programme presents Philippa Semper, PhD
enlightens listeners on “Adam Lambert’s Powerful Lyrics” 28
June, 10:30pm UK time on
Drawing thanks to @SammieMa
"This cartoon was the result of me waiting for the plumber to finish working in my kitchen. The cartoon is a simple one of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen. I see Sauli as a wide eyed type of anime like character. Adam is more the complex hero type."
Upcoming Events
July or so: Behind the scenes video of Adam #2 recording sessions to be released.
7.29.11 Adam performs at the St. Agathe en Feux Festival in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, festival concert.
8.10.11 Adam Lambert "Behind the Music" premieres on VH1.
Late Summer 2011 New single released
October-November 2011 MTV promotional video broadcast (unconfirmed)
October-November 2011 Adam's second album released
Every Saturday from New Zealand-- Adam Lambert Hour -- Live 7:00PM EDT US.
Podcasts of all shows available at link above
Adam Lambert sings in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @LightLoveAdam
More great pictures on this page:
Seriously Must Watch this one Again!
Adam is Genius on this Show (and the grandma murderer looks like one of us!
Interesting Article Mentions Adam
My Music Isn’t Too Gay!
Support via @AdamLambert Dollar Bills!
Adam Lambert performs in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @LightLoveAdam
Tommy Joe Ratliff CornerAdam Lambert performs in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @LightLoveAdam
Collage of Tommy Joe Ratliff from Cleveland, June 2011 by @Weelassie
Pics by @virg1877
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Tommy Joe Ratliff rocks in Moscow, May 2011 thanks to @riikiachi enhanced by @weelassie11 |
Tommy Joe Ratliff performs in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @alikat1323
Tommy Joe Ratliff and his ringlets perform in Borgata, June 26/2010 thanks to @Adam_TJRgirl
===========================Contest update: I have replied to all the entries received. If you did not get an email from me, please submit it again and make sure to put ADAM in the subject line! Thanks!
Poems Inspired by Adam thanks to Susan
(entry in the Adam inspiration contest)
Time For You
“I actually think it’s time, probably, currently, for someone like you.”
--Randy Jackson
When we first heard your voice
time stood still.
For a split second
we were transfixed.
That note made ripples
like a pebble tossed
into a pool of crystal clear water.
At first, only a minor disturbance.
With raised eyebrow and
slight turn of the head, we took notice.
But with each song, we rode the waves
of your journey to fame
crashing now upon
the sands of our souls
eroding our negativity.
We are somehow smoother,
our edges softened.
Yes, it is time for someone like you.
Our legends have fallen
one by one.
Our world, ripe,
swollen with tears.
You filled the void.
It is time for us to hold hands
join you in the dance.
You give, we take,
we give back to you,
rejoicing in
the infinite exchange of love
from your throat
to our ears
from our hearts
back to yours
together our spirits soar
and your voice is carried
on the wings of time
for all eternity.
By: Susan Hackel (For Adam Lambert) 8/16/10
Adam Lambert favorite picture submitted by Helena H as entry for the Adam inspiration contest
Rock Star Rising
(To Adam Lambert)
He fell to the earth
in a beam of starlight
glittered in stardust
born of Apollo and Aphrodite
Gods of music and love.
He was merely a mortal
a stranger to us
in a time hungry for heroes.
A vision with hair blacker than black
and eyes of a blue that has no name
his beauty was blinding.
Assigned number 1877
he stood before the judges
eager to earn his title of Rock God,
to prove his worth
and turn his number
into a name that will be remembered.
As the very first note escaped his throat
we were transformed into a state of rapture,
taken on a journey to ecstasy,
brought to a heightened state of mind
and we were touched,
somehow changed,
Yes, he won his golden ticket
to the star-studded path
and we were ready to stand by him,
travel with him on his journey to fame.
His songs created sparks,
which turned into flames
that consumed us
igniting our passions that
were dormant and buried
deep within us for so long.
His music ripped out our emotions
brought them upon the stage
as he held up a mirror to our souls
showing us our joy, our pain,
our sensuality, and humanity.
His rhinestone belt buckle
drew us into the orbit of his hips
and thighs enveloped in black leather.
Young girls swooned into a frenzy of fantasies,
grandmothers remembered their loins
and the lonely learned to love again.
He has become our Rock God,
our idol and hero.
His star is rising,
his voyage just begun. and
we wait breathless for more,
impatient for his immortality.
By Susan Hackel
Subscriber Contest... not too late to subscribe and enter.
Contest continues until June 30! (four more days!) The winners will be chosen by a random draw of all of the entries so you have a good chance if you enter!
Those of you asking about my story, its here:
I Love my subscribers!
Contest has been announced on subscriber email! You must subscribe to get the information! (Email me if you can't subscribe and want to be included)
Prizes will include Adam-related jewellery and at least one signed picture of Tommy! (not sure if I can part with both yet! haha) Don't miss out!
Entries have started to come in! Thanks to everyone who enters. I will acknowledge your entry with an email within a day or two. If you don't hear from me, please resend!
It's very easy to subscribe to my blog. Go to this link
and click on the box "Email Subscription"
on the top right (under "Love Boys who Sparkle")
Special thanks and love to all my subscribers! You (and @adamlambert) make me want to get up every morning and put together the best post possible!
Resource and Information Pages
Recently Updated: Adamquotedaily for Dummies!
(Helpful if you are not good at the computer yet!)
Rakastan said: OMG -love it-my favorite website…and all about my favorite…thank you!
Interesting Articles and Pictures (some new updates)
(DM or email me for the password)
Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
Alice said: Gloria, thanks for creating this Sauli site. Adam’s heart eyes with Sauli tell the whole story. I love them together. They seem so right for each other, far beyond the fascinating fashion coincidences. Adam said this time he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place. Aside from an obvious attraction, they are good together because both are artists with strong support from family and friends, wry sense of humor, gift of gab, sunshiny personality, love of dance, compassion, kindness, humility, et al. Sauli and Adam are kindred spirits. Thank you Universe for bringing them together. I hope they always want each other as much as they do now. Adam, we know why your heart is full and we are overjoyed by your bliss.
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”
And Part 2 is here:
Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!
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Check back for updates a bit later!
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Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
the poetry is beautiful and very inspiring
ReplyDeleteEveryday Life
Those 2 poems brought tears to my eyes; thank you to Susan Hackel for writing such eloquent poetry and thanks, Gloria for posting them here as well. It is so remarkable the emotions that Adam has awakened in all of us and brought to the surface; he is truly an astonishing man who just might not be aware of the powers that he possesses. he has transformed all of his fans one by one and will conquer the entire whole very soon. My love and respect for Adam have no boundaries, and for this site and blog, I thank you Gloria from the bottom of my heart!
ReplyDeleteGreat news about a possible November CD release. My heart's on fire! Also, love the Adam-insprired stories and poetry. He does get to us in a good and soulful way. Sleepwalker photo...can never get enough of those of my favorite songs. Thanks for another great read and all the wonderful eye candy.
ReplyDeleteGloria, love today's poems about Adam especially. yummy. thanks!! PL
ReplyDeleteI love Adam's slight overbite - wonder if he ever wore braces. His smile is incandescent.