Adam Lambert in purple pants from Robert Sebree photoshoot
You. Glamberts. Are. Going. To. Poop.
(Thanks Alisan. That tweet clears it all up! )
Adam Lambert performs thanks to @tuke18 and @weelassie11
How to Treat a Woman. Or maybe NOT!
Freudian slip this AM: I tweeted HOT to NOT treat a woman and when I thought about it, Adam you are HOT no matter how you treat us!
But we can only be pushed so far and then we'll ... I don't know what we'll do!
(So I changed the title of this post to Hot to Not Treat a Woman)
Feetcheriffic if only more men treated women as @adamlambert does his female fans, w dignity,respect & love, there'd be a LOT more happy women out there!
adamquotedaily @feetchirrific I dunno... he's kind of
ignoring us a lot lately... that seems like regular man
behavior to me haha!
feetchirrific @plumcomm @Adamquotedaily LOL back on
feetchirrific @plumcomm @Adamquotedaily altho there
Start at 1:40.. Pretty sure we'll never hear Adam sing this one so here is a second choice!
( this song is stuck in my head so I had to share it!)
Sauli's latest Blog and Translation
Adam Lambert in Bora, Bora 2011 taken from a Swedish magazine thanks to @delerius
One more Backwards Video.... WWFM AKA Mfolio!
It's kinda like getting new music, right?
One Year Ago (approximately)
Remember when Adam was on Chelsea Lately?
Chelsea Lately averages 900,000 viewers per episode[8] and attracts more women aged 18 to 34 than Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and Last Call with Carson Daly.[9]
Chelsea Lately's highest-rated episode garnered 1.3 million viewers—the December 16, 2009 episode featuring singer Adam Lambert.[10
Interview and downloads here:
This performance made me so happy! First live TV performance following the AMAs. Must have watched it a thousand + times!
Adam wearing Lisa's headpiece from the AMAs on his shoulder!
Help to raise funds for Mia by bidding on @D8Sasha's Golden Dance Shoes.
Highest Bid so far $152.50
Summeri Interview from Finland last year
Filmed 2nd May, while Adam visited in Finland. It was aired 23rd May 2010.
Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
Tommy Joe Ratliff and Adam Lambert photoshop thanks to @catcherofdreamz
Tommy had a mini-twitter party last night. Here are a few
of the tweets!
LoveSickPuppies @TommyJoeRatliff do you like to dance when no one is looking?
TommyJoeRatliff @LoveSickPuppies somtimes, or after a
few drinks.
StuddedBlack @TommyJoeRatliff have you tried the shattered nail polish by OPI!? Its really cool!
TommyJoeRatliff @StuddedBlack yes, I have "shatter" on right now. I like it!
(Ed. note: ME TOO!)
SaulibertBOTDF @TommyJoeRatliff what do you love about your life?
TommyJoeRatliff @SaulibertBOTDF Family, band, friends... pretty much everything!
sutanamrull Oh myRT @tbird632: This one of @TommyJoeRatliffand @sutanamrull melted my phone!! Enjoy:) YouTube - Tommy and Sutan
TommyJoeRatliff @sutanamrull HAHA oh man
Adam Inspires Contest Entries
Video submitted thanks to PC... two great pictures I can't download ..hopefully she will send them to me again!
Story of Adam Inspiration thanks to @LoveElphi
So, here's my submission, and a collage of sorts of just a few favorite pix that illustrate a few of the many things I love about Adam.
Adam inspires me in so many ways; incredibly by just being himself.I think I'm pretty open-minded, but by his constant example, Adam reminds me to do a better job being conscious of times I'm maybe not so, and to practice tolerance, forgiveness, respect, and acceptance; including self-acceptance.
He stays true to himself, and expresses himself, and by his example and words, encourages others to stay true to and express themselves.
"The biggest faux pas is when someone looks at something and goes, "Oh, that looks cool - but I couldn't pull it off." The only thing needed to pull something off is the desire to pull it off. So if you like something, go for it!"
Speaking of which, his style - especially his jewelry (particularly his rings; o.m.g.) inspires my creativity, and spurs me to DO something with it.
I do tend to procrastinate, but I'm workin on it. ;)
Also through Adam, I've become aware of other artists - musical & otherwise- that I might never have heard about. Two examples are the amazingly talented Ferras, and Cheeks (who inspire me as well).
What do I love about him - besides all the qualities I've already mentioned?
I love that he's a fellow freak/weirdo who didn't feel like he fit in (and maybe still feels that way sometimes?).
We're all unique - but he's different. I've read countless times the phrase, "How is he even real??". Seriously, at times he seems a better person -wiser, more enlightened- than the rest of us -as though he's not of this earth. Oh wait, that's right, he's from Planet Fierce! ;)
And, well, there's that voice; quite possibly the most incredible, pure voice I've ever heard. That smile, that radiates from within him, and lights up not only his face but the space around him as well. Those legs -'.lord, those legs that seem to start at his armpits and go_on_ f_o_r_e_v_e_r.
And those beautiful eyes: Mirror of the soul.
Oh, and I like his toeses.

I'm continually blown away by how articulate he is, how genuinely kind (even to people who are less than nice to him), down-to-earth and humble he is, and by his unfailing integrity and positivity. That unfailing positivity of his has helped me many times to 'turn it around', look for the good in myself, others and situations.
A few other things: Adam has said that he didn't want to be a 'poster child' for the gay community - but he's kind of become one.
I don't know how he feels, but I don't think he minds being considered a role model - which he is.
His concern for people, and desire to help, his leadership skills and charisma, his ability to touch people to their very core, and, with them, accomplish great things for many movements and charitable organizations makes him.. I don't want to put him on a pedestal - but, he's kind of a hero for our times, isn't he.
I was watching "The Tale of Despereaux" a couple days ago, and the moment I heard this line, I thought of Adam:
"If you know anything about fairy tales, then you know that a hero doesn't appear until the world really needs one." ∞∞∞
Story submitted by Cheryl Lee House aka “Haus-Three Ostrich Feathers Proper! -
To King Adam Mitchel Lambert – Lost In Your Eyes!
It was over a year ago, I was looking at a Video on my computer screen, when I glanced over a new face I had never seen!
As he began to sing and play with the words, his body took over and moved in such ways, oh my Lord!
I thought, who is this young man who emits such magic, I tried to look away, but realized in doing so, would be tragic!
I then began a computer search to see more on this sweet face/voice I had happened upon, came up with all kinds of info and stuff, it’s a lottery and I had won!
Here’s my big chance to hear this sweet voice in person at a Concert in July, I called up a Girl Friend and bought two tickets for $600 or so, it was now do or die!
Of course, there was no going to the Concert without the full effect, so I bought two T-Shirts and two CDs, then gave one of each to my Friend, a safe bet!
We had so much fun that night in July, we were reeling for days, but then it was over, I felt so deprived!
We played our CDs for weeks and weeks on end, we followed this Adam Lambert on the computer around the World and learned how to transcend!
As the year continued to move forward, there were more things to buy, Membership, T-Shirts, Calendar, Mirror, Key Chain, gosh I love this guy!
There were always Videos to watch from different worldly locations, gee to see this Band in person, again and again, would be ideal vacations!
The year continued to run forward, as we watched this Band go through hatred and discrimination, it pained me so to watch, I thought this is why I sat for my Broker License, to end stuff like this in our Nation!
With love in my heart for this Adam Lambert and his Band, I tried to help with some of his Charities, so very excited to lend a helping hand!
Well, the Glam Nation Tour has come and gone so far, I have lots of Goodies to show and my Glitter and Swarovski Crystals still sit in a jar!
I try to help out and “Vote” when I can, I still remember experiencing “If I Had You!” when it was #1, perfectly timed with my Costa Mesa Concert, oh man!
They say time flies when you are having fun, they are so right, but our work has just begun!
Recently, New York has passed Human Rights Legislation for ALL, it’s Red Blood and Rainbows, to the Pursuit of Happiness, have a ball!
And, Adam Lambert, my Love, if you get to read this poem written in your Honour, maybe we can write a song together, remember it’s Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Blitzen, and Donner!
One last request, before I call it a day, if I win any of the prizes for your Lambert Contest, I would rather forfeit my prize for a DATE with “THE BEST!”
I Love You Adam Lambert!
Those of you asking about my story, its here:
Recently Updated: Adamquotedaily for Dummies!
(Helpful if you are not good at the computer yet!)
Rakastan said: OMG -love it-my favorite website…and all about my favorite…thank you!
Interesting Articles and Pictures (Updates are now being added at the bottom of this page)
(DM or email me for the password)
Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
Alice said: Gloria, thanks for creating this Sauli site. Adam’s heart eyes with Sauli tell the whole story. I love them together. They seem so right for each other, far beyond the fascinating fashion coincidences. Adam said this time he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place. Aside from an obvious attraction, they are good together because both are artists with strong support from family and friends, wry sense of humor, gift of gab, sunshiny personality, love of dance, compassion, kindness, humility, et al. Sauli and Adam are kindred spirits. Thank you Universe for bringing them together. I hope they always want each other as much as they do now. Adam, we know why your heart is full and we are overjoyed by your bliss.
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”
And Part 2 is here:
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Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
Alisan Porter,
ReplyDeleteI do appreciate you, but REALLY? I don't like to think about HRH and p*&p in the same sentence.(Even though I just put them in the same sentence together.) Perhaps a better way to phrase that? Sigh. Alisan, you're a wonderful friend though.
There reverse videos are too funny. I hope Adam gets a chance to see them.
ReplyDeleteI keep wanting to stroke Adam's chest hair!