mmyy9: Adam's (small) pic in the August 2011 issue of
VOGUE JAPAN (out June 28), photo by
Cannot imagine life without the music of Adam to enjoy and look forward to! But my computer is always broken!
@adamlambert Got some mail for ya here at the house. ITT Institute wants to know if you want to pursue a career in IT. Please advise.
@milestougeaux hahah definitely. I wanna fix 'puters.
Adam Lambert taking a nap during AI 2009... this was my morning today!
Kristeeliu@UberTrish the only thing I can tell you is that it WILL be worth the wait!
UberTrish@Kristeeliu did he play any of the new music for you???????
Kristeeliu@UberTrish yes! I had sneak peeks of a few and they were amazing!
(8 PM PST)
OLIGEE1Going kookoo in the stu stu with @adamlambert @Josh_Abraham@BonnieMcKeee @
Oligee1Wknd @ Brnies
Alisan Porter and Riff Cherry in Adam Lambert's Backyard thanks to ?
(Lambert's surprise local jam with Boucharde and Tim Flack)
More from JD from SF Father's Day
Great Listing of Collaborations for Adam's Sophomore Album
(Lambert's surprise local jam with Boucharde and Tim Flack)
More from JD from SF Father's Day
Hey friends:
I'm JD, the guy from the piece. Thank you for posting this page, and alerting me! I hadn't even seen the original article yet: the paper version comes out tomorrow.
Frankly, I was a little disappointed: when I contacted my friend over at the San Diego Reader and e-mailed him a thumbnail of the story, I said several things in the note I would've preferred he hadn't printed (i.e., my dislike of television, and the fact that I thought maybe people-- other than non-hardcore fans such as yourselves, that is-- may not know who he is anymore). Made me sound a little, uh. . . snippy, maybe? That silly rivalry crap between creative humans that always seems to make the papers?
Just the opposite. Adam was warm, friendly, open, and presented such a loving presence about him. No ego, just an all-around great guy. When I asked him if he wanted to sing, I sorta figured he'd probably say no: like singing at a little podunk bar was not as cool as what he was used to. And I totally would've understood. But he responded: "Sure!"
And I wasn't exaggerating about folks' reactions. They were stunned. I said his name, and the place got quiet, like they thought I was putting them on. He walked up, and men and women alike were standing there with their mouths hanging open, like they still couldn't believe what they were seeing. I started playing "Mad World," and, taking the mic, he said: "Slow it down a little bit." I did. "A little more." And he friggin' NAILED it: every high note right on the money. Finished, and the place erupted like it was U2 at the Coliseum.
Anyway, registering and logging in here, I was bracing myself for his fans'--YOUR-- reactions to this non-TV watching, I-wonder-if-people-still-know-who-he-is musician. But everyone here at the site was very cool, and your responses to the article were sincere.
One last thing, as a testament to Adam, the human. After he got done singing, this one really drunk guy started harassing him: hugging him, talking loud in his face, etc. At one point, he was hugging him from the back, definitely without his permission. Gay or not, SO not appropriate. If it were me, I think I woulda clocked the guy, and I'm Mr. Staunch Non-Violence by trade. Adam told him to back off, but didn't react as harshly as he certainly had the right to. A minute or two later, he waved a goodbye to everyone, and was gone.
Though I'm friends with his dad and stepmom, I may never see him again. But it was enough to meet him once to know that he's more than just a talented musician. He's a class guy, and I wish him the deepest blessings in his future creative endeavors. Just know there's one more Adam fan in the world tonight.
Peace and love to you.
Frankly, I was a little disappointed: when I contacted my friend over at the San Diego Reader and e-mailed him a thumbnail of the story, I said several things in the note I would've preferred he hadn't printed (i.e., my dislike of television, and the fact that I thought maybe people-- other than non-hardcore fans such as yourselves, that is-- may not know who he is anymore). Made me sound a little, uh. . . snippy, maybe? That silly rivalry crap between creative humans that always seems to make the papers?
Just the opposite. Adam was warm, friendly, open, and presented such a loving presence about him. No ego, just an all-around great guy. When I asked him if he wanted to sing, I sorta figured he'd probably say no: like singing at a little podunk bar was not as cool as what he was used to. And I totally would've understood. But he responded: "Sure!"
And I wasn't exaggerating about folks' reactions. They were stunned. I said his name, and the place got quiet, like they thought I was putting them on. He walked up, and men and women alike were standing there with their mouths hanging open, like they still couldn't believe what they were seeing. I started playing "Mad World," and, taking the mic, he said: "Slow it down a little bit." I did. "A little more." And he friggin' NAILED it: every high note right on the money. Finished, and the place erupted like it was U2 at the Coliseum.
Anyway, registering and logging in here, I was bracing myself for his fans'--YOUR-- reactions to this non-TV watching, I-wonder-if-people-still-know-who-he-is musician. But everyone here at the site was very cool, and your responses to the article were sincere.
One last thing, as a testament to Adam, the human. After he got done singing, this one really drunk guy started harassing him: hugging him, talking loud in his face, etc. At one point, he was hugging him from the back, definitely without his permission. Gay or not, SO not appropriate. If it were me, I think I woulda clocked the guy, and I'm Mr. Staunch Non-Violence by trade. Adam told him to back off, but didn't react as harshly as he certainly had the right to. A minute or two later, he waved a goodbye to everyone, and was gone.
Though I'm friends with his dad and stepmom, I may never see him again. But it was enough to meet him once to know that he's more than just a talented musician. He's a class guy, and I wish him the deepest blessings in his future creative endeavors. Just know there's one more Adam fan in the world tonight.
Peace and love to you.
JD Boucharde
Great Listing of Collaborations for Adam's Sophomore Album
Mark Your Calenders! Another Enlightening Radio show by Angelina Kalahari (June 28, 5:30 PM EST I think!)
The Sound Bath programme presents Philippa Semper, PhD who
enlightens listeners on “Adam Lambert’s Powerful Lyrics” 28
June, 10:30pm UK time on
Lyrics are often the reason why a song becomes that special song to us, because we can particularly relate to meaningful lyrics, and such songs become the soundtrack to our lives.enlightens listeners on “Adam Lambert’s Powerful Lyrics” 28
June, 10:30pm UK time on
Someone who can enlighten us on this issue is Philippa Semper. She has been an avid reader since she was three years old, and captivated by music for as long as she can remember; a childhood full of books and choir rehearsals helped her to develop both areas. After studying English literature as an undergraduate, she took her PhD in medieval manuscript research at the University of Exeter. She taught English for several years at University College Dublin before moving to the University of Birmingham, where she lectures in medieval English literature and modern fantasy writing and publishes in both areas. Philippa became interested in the relationship between modern song lyrics and literary texts when she found herself writing about a U2 lyric in one of her finals examinations, and she has since used modern songs to teach students how to approach medieval lyrics. She discovered Adam Lambert by way of Muse through the song 'Soaked' which Muse provided for his debut album; she has been fascinated by both Adam's lyrics and his music ever since.
Tattoos inspired by Adam Lambert thanks to Angela
(entry to the Adam Inspiration contest)
(entry to the Adam Inspiration contest)
One Year Ago! Foxwoods!
Just want to say thanks to @Ellenspen and her beautiful husband for arranging our amazing adventure last year!
And special love to L and A for an experience I will never forget (or let them forget!)
Sexy Adam Lambert full of emotion at Foxwoods, June 2010
Here are my thoughts right after the concert:
Update from Foxwoods
I have now seen Adam seven times in person. This was the most incredible performance I have ever seen live or online. As I have said before, I cannot imagine him being any better ever… But he always ups it!
Adam’s vocals were perfection.
Soaked and Whole Lotta Love were incredible. There will be videos soon and I cannot imagine they will do Adam’s performances justice.
What a voice, what a great smile, what great energy he displayed!
What a voice, what a great smile, what great energy he displayed!
Tommy action was not like in New York but there were a few sweet incidents that showed how beautifully playful they are.. You’ll see them soon and you will smile!
Everyone was amazed… everyone was stunned. I’m off to the bar to dance and sing and have fun with all the great fans. Met so many!
If I Had YOU! Adam Lambert performs at Foxwoods Casino, June 2010 thanks to @ellenspen
Adam Lambert does his Thang at Foxwoods Casino thanks to @ellenspen
More from Foxwoods here:
![]() |
Fabulous drawing by @TamaraLovesAdam Entry to the Adam Inspiration Contest |
Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
New Adommy video by chelenator
Tommy Joe Ratliff licks Adam Lambert at Nokia Centre, June 2010
Click for gif!
AW, I remember this! I never actually saw it though! Check this video out -- Tommy Ratliff Interview via @youtube
Aw! Same here :) RT @ArchiesCrush: @TommyJoeRatliff God, I miss Glam Nation. <3
New video by chelenator
Subscriber Contest... not too late to subscribe and enter. Contest continues until June 30!
Those of you asking about my story, its here:
How Adam Lambert Inspired Me thanks to @melluvslambert.
Drawing by @melluvslambert. ..Hmm.. how do I turn it?
I used to live my life in a shell, trying to blend into the crowd and disappear; too shy and scared to think I was important enough to matter to anyone. I was about to give up on my dream of becoming an equestrian Olympian because I felt overwhelmed and didn't believe in myself. But that all changed when something new found its way into my heart.
The godly, chill-inducing voice of a contestant on American Idol was left lingering in my mind. His name was Adam Lambert. He was bold, brave, unapologetic, honest, unafraid to be himself, and to top it all off his voice was greater than anything the music industry had witnessed. At the time, I had no idea how much this contestant would mean to me eventually. I never would have predicted that I would see him live ten times in a little over a year, or that I would wait hours after concerts to get something signed by him, fly from San Diego to Dallas to attend a Meet and Greet with him, or wait 14 hours in line two days in a row in Hollywood to witness his final shows from his first tour.
Adam grabbed my attention with the intense looks and sly smiles he was giving the camera in the beginning of his performance of Satisfaction. By the end of the song, he was belting out his impossibly high notes, ejecting them into my brain, and I knew there was no going back. No going back from my love of the sweet, nice, down-to-earth boy-next-door who could transform into a magnificent rocker every time he hit the stage.
To be honest, I didn’t admit that I was obsessed at first. My mom loved Adam before me, but eventually we both came out as Glamberts. Next thing we knew we were chasing his limo at his Mt. Carmel Idol homecoming and absorbing everything we could about who he was, what he was up to, and anything else about him we could find!
As I learned about Adam’s past, personality, and opinions, I realized my way of thinking was changing. He expressed himself in his own way and didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was different too, but instead of marking it as a flaw, he embraced it.
I saw how much work Adam put into making his dream come true and how it finally paid off after ten years. Watching all of his interviews and performances were like therapy for me. Each day I could feel myself trying to think more positively and I began to come out of my shell.
As I reflect on myself today, I realize that I've grown immensely as a person. Overall I am more joyful than ever before, I am not afraid to be myself and speak what is on my mind, I am a more open-minded person, and my goals for the future feel as if they are getting closer and closer every day.
Drawing of Fierce Adam by @melluvslambert. |
Aftermath Essay by @melluvslambert.
“Before you break you have to shed your armor, take a trip and fall into the glitter.”My horse Lonestar leaps as high as he can and for what feels like eternity, we’re flying. But gravity separates me from him and I fall seven feet straight to the slippery grass, and fracture my back. “And so it goes, everything inside your circle starts to overflow…”
Rain fell, but my riding clinic with the Olympic trainer George Morris still wasn’t canceled. My heart pounded and an avalanche of thoughts flooded my brain; suffocating me in my worries and the pressure I put on myself for success. The unfamiliar banks and hedges seemed to loom over me.
“Take a step before you leap…”Lonestar and I reacted in terror when we saw the line of fences going up a hill, followed by a four foot bank to jump down…
After a devastating fall, my world had come crashing down and my goals for the future seemed to slip out of reach. I lay in bed for days, already missing riding. Listening to music and watching concert videos were my pastime, and Aftermath quickly became my anthem for recovery.
“Have you lost your way? Living in the shadows of the messes that you made…”
The powerful message of Aftermath restored hope in my life. Now I’m back in the saddle and working my way back up to where I was. Whenever the nerves start to take over, the Aftermath remix pumps me up and helps me get out of my head.
“Just remember you’re not alone, in the aftermath…”
Lonestar stopped and looked at me to see if I was ok. He looked into my eyes and at that moment, I knew everything would be fine…
(Melanie, Thank you so much for your submission to the contest! You could consider adding more writing to your list of goals! Well done sweetie! AQD)
I Love my subscribers!
Contest has been announced on subscriber email! You must subscribe to get the information! (Email me if you can't subscribe and want to be included)
Prizes will include Adam-related jewellery and at least one signed picture of Tommy! (not sure if I can part with both yet! haha) Don't miss out!
Entries have started to come in! Thanks to everyone who enters. I will acknowledge your entry with an email within a day or two. If you don't hear from me, please resend!
It's very easy to subscribe to my blog. Go to this link
and click on the box "Email Subscription"
on the top right (under "Love Boys who Sparkle")
Special thanks and love to all my subscribers! You (and @adamlambert) make me want to get up every morning and put together the best post possible!
Resource and Information Pages
Recently Updated: Adamquotedaily for Dummies!
(Helpful if you are not good at the computer yet!)
Rakastan said: OMG -love it-my favorite website…and all about my favorite…thank you!
Interesting Articles and Pictures (some new updates)
(DM or email me for the password)
Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
Alice said: Gloria, thanks for creating this Sauli site. Adam’s heart eyes with Sauli tell the whole story. I love them together. They seem so right for each other, far beyond the fascinating fashion coincidences. Adam said this time he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place. Aside from an obvious attraction, they are good together because both are artists with strong support from family and friends, wry sense of humor, gift of gab, sunshiny personality, love of dance, compassion, kindness, humility, et al. Sauli and Adam are kindred spirits. Thank you Universe for bringing them together. I hope they always want each other as much as they do now. Adam, we know why your heart is full and we are overjoyed by your bliss.
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”
And Part 2 is here:
Comments: You can post under "Anonymous" and then sign your name (for those of you having trouble) Let me know if that works and thanks!
Please note that your comments won't show up right away!
Check back for updates a bit later!
Please contact me @adamquotedaily or
Special thanks to @aquariussue7 for helping with pictures! Her enhanced photos are always labelled with her name, BTW. I really appreciate your contribution more than you can know! MUAH! (If anyone wants to share some favorite pictures, feel free to tweet or email them to me)
Special thanks to @aquariussue7 for helping with pictures! Her enhanced photos are always labelled with her name, BTW. I really appreciate your contribution more than you can know! MUAH! (If anyone wants to share some favorite pictures, feel free to tweet or email them to me)
Leave a comment... click on the word Comment below if the box is missing!
Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
I don't get the pole dancer and what it has to do with Adam's blog - it was a Katy Perry song. Is it just me?
ReplyDeleteJ.D. - "One more Adam fan in the world tonight" - to know him is to love him. Love, Lee
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely just you!! I think Adam would appreciate the pole dance. Haha!
ReplyDeleteGloria, Thanks for posting the pictures from Foxwoods. How much fun was that ???? To see Adam in the glorious flesh and share him with all the Glambertina's was a day I will never forget.
ReplyDeleteAnd one year later our love for AFL is endless and for the wonderful glamily is boundless.
Muah !
Hello!!!!!! have you ever thought that all this artists that are different have had the guts to show who they are and dare believe in themselves, because of the daring example of ADAM LAMBERT ?
ReplyDeleteGloria, seeing Adam performing in Foxwoods with all of the Glambertinas was nothing short of amazing!! And seeing the pictures and videos all over again are memories that I will cherish forever. Here's to all of us and to Adam who is well on his way to becoming the icon of this century! Critics of Adam, you all might as well jump on the bandwagon, because nothing is going to stop Adam from becoming a megastar!
ReplyDeleteYet again you never disappoint me thank you for all the wonderful sharing
ReplyDeleteGloria: Thanks for your devotion to Adam and his fans. You're the best.(Circe)