Adam Lambert demonstrates rocking a Kilt from Glasgow, 2010
If there are new pictures or articles that you notice, please leave the links in the comment section! Be back to update later today!
AliAdler: Was just in the studio listening to the amazing @adamlambert@UhHuhHerMusic producing!#hitmaker
UhHuhHerMusic: @AliAdler @adamlambert <3 Sauce. Also joined the illuminati. Big night, big night.
adamlambert: @UhHuhHerMusic you APPLIED. I mean, the wait list is nuts.
Three new pictures here:


If you missed yesterday's brief, late post, it's here:
Finally got my Illuminati application in the mail today! Think I'll get in?? Fingers crossed! (over one eye)
If anyone would like to enlighten me on what about Adam is talking about, I'm listening!
This doesn't help very much:
Adam Lambert Wallpaper thanks to @esselsari
Congratulations Brad! Yay!
Must be quite a guy to deserve you!
GoCheeksGo He asked me to marry him! I said YES!!
Keep Voting!
I voted for ღ☆ღ. @adamlambert ღ☆ღ. .•°˚★*•.¸ღ☆ღ.•°˚★*•.¸ღ☆ღ.•°˚ ★*•.¸ღ☆ღ.•°˚★*•.¸ღ☆ღ.•°˚★*•.¸ღ
Check out J Scott G's "Live the Life" feat Me! We wrote and recorded this a year before Idol. #manifestation
Adam Lambert performs Ring of Fire GlamNation 2010
Ring of Fire!
All the media here:
(Be sure to click on the links on the right hand side for all the Adam media ever!)
Adam Lambert looking good pre-Idol!
Interview on the Bus One Year Ago!One Year Anniversary of Seattle Concert
Here are some amazing front row videos sent from @powderpuffnails
Adam Lambert sings WWFM from Music Video
====================Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
Dedicated to his hair!
Tommy Joe Ratliff thanks to ?
Adam Inspires Story thanks to @KaavyaWriting
Hi! I'm @KaavyaWriting, and this is my entry for the inspiration contest! Um, I ramble on quite a bit (sorry for that!) and then I also attached a pic and linked a video, all sort of slices of things that have hit me hardest, inspired me the most. :)
Adam + inspiration... It's a whole bunch of little things, so many that I couldn't count the ways or put them all into words, let alone all in this rambling of mine. Adam has given me so much and the crazy thing is it's one of those things I hope he knows but he may very well never know. Only, so many of us get to meet him and share our stories with him, so he knows enough how much we love him and how much he has shared with us. That's in some ways the most important part to me, for Adam to know how much we love and appreciate him, and how much love he's given and inspired, because he loves us, we love him, and we love each other.
Sometimes we get a little rough on "outsiders" because we’re crazy protective of our Glambert, but we try to love and accept everyone. What contemporary talent has ever achieved something so immense? He's connected his fans together in so many ways it's hard to even fathom. And let’s not forget his absolutely insane talent!
But I really fell off track here. How Adam has inspired me, personally? It's a lot of little things, truly. With AI8 I discovered this insanely sweet, gifted guy who was breaking boundaries just because of his talent. For FYE and GNT I reconnected with a friend. I traveled. I had a summer of pure joy and excitement that still makes my heart beat fast and fill with nothing but love.
I grew. I became better, learned I can become better. I learned (am still learning) how to come out of my shell, how to give up shyness and insecurity and fear so I can be myself despite what anyone else says. I am learning how to share myself with others.
It's funny, since I was a kid and didn't even understand terms like "socially acceptable" I've always loved and admired those figures that stand out, that are viewed as eccentric, oddball, brave, crazy, different, that stand up for what they personally believe in... and stand out for it. Yet as I got older I sort of shrunk into myself more and tried to fit in, tried hard to not be different.
Adam shook me out of that. If I love those individuals who are themselves, why the hell am I so afraid to do the same and be myself? I learned there's nothing to be afraid of, so why be afraid? Adam taught me that simply by living that.
I discovered a musician, man, and soul who takes my breath, fills me with so much joy with a simple smile or lyric or word. I am better for knowing him, and I see how so many others are as well. How can we resist loving someone like that? :)
He has moved us all, into moving ourselves. We didn't ask him to and he didn't offer to. Adam offered to sing, to share his talent, passion, and self with his audience, and we were fortunate enough to hear him and ended up gaining so much more.
Adam is my inspiration because he inspires me to be inspiration, to revel in my own gifts and the gifts and love of others. I feel more passion, love, and inspiration with more crystal clarity now than I had before I saw him on Idol.
I feel reawakened, and for all the other million reasons I adore and support Adam Lambert, I will love him unendingly for that gift alone.
He has moved us all, into moving ourselves. We didn't ask him to and he didn't offer to. Adam offered to sing, to share his talent, passion, and self with his audience, and we were fortunate enough to hear him and ended up gaining so much more.
Adam is my inspiration because he inspires me to be inspiration, to revel in my own gifts and the gifts and love of others. I feel more passion, love, and inspiration with more crystal clarity now than I had before I saw him on Idol.
I feel reawakened, and for all the other million reasons I adore and support Adam Lambert, I will love him unendingly for that gift alone.
This pic is one of my favorites of him because it's a pic of the first time I saw him in person, the Milwaukee stop on the AI8 tour. :) It was...electrifying. I felt frozen in time and as though I was going at warp speed all at the same time.
Here is a video of Broken Open . It's just, one of the songs that hits me hardest, emotionally. Wham, takes me right out. <3
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Rakastan said: OMG -love it-my favorite website…and all about my favorite…thank you!
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Adam's Pre-Idol Music
Flaminga Lady said: Thank you, Gloria, for this wonderful primer on amazing Adam! I love introducing new people to his work, and this is a wonderful way to do that! The “Brigadoon” recording just knocks me out every time I listen to it…WOW, can that man sing!!
Adam Lambert 101: An introduction
Alice said: Gloria, thanks for creating this Sauli site. Adam’s heart eyes with Sauli tell the whole story. I love them together. They seem so right for each other, far beyond the fascinating fashion coincidences. Adam said this time he’s looking for someone who could take care of him this time, with so much going on in his life. Enter Sauli. Delightfully calm and unphased by all the madness that surrounds Adam, he seems to offer Adam peace, trust, support, and a refreshing love that comes from a good, unneedy place. Aside from an obvious attraction, they are good together because both are artists with strong support from family and friends, wry sense of humor, gift of gab, sunshiny personality, love of dance, compassion, kindness, humility, et al. Sauli and Adam are kindred spirits. Thank you Universe for bringing them together. I hope they always want each other as much as they do now. Adam, we know why your heart is full and we are overjoyed by your bliss.
Sauli Koskinen...Everything you want to know! (new updates regularly)
Tommy Joe Ratliff … Just the Facts!
“Uncle Soy Sauce” – Monte Pittman Rocks! All about Monte!
Diamonds of the Rock God Part 1 and Part 2- Quotations from and About Adam Lambert
“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.”
And Part 2 is here:
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Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
Hey, Gloria, I wrote an article on the fan club site that explains it all (I hope) about the Illuminati. The Illuminati are not real and Adam was making a joke about people who think they are! Here is the article:
ReplyDeleteBrad is really getting married? Someohow I thought he would be older when he settled down. I wish him all the love in the world!
Love your blog. I wanted to point you to this twitter page for the RCA unapproved single. It looks like it's just not approved by RCA, but that Adam get's half the proceeds. I think Adam's silence on the matter is his go-ahead, imo.!/jscottgofficial
ReplyDeleteSafe travels back home. :) @eryn4adam
i wouldn't be sending those congrats to cheeks yet. his big announcement is coming via weyume, not twitter. this is all part of his plan.
ReplyDeleteSqueeeee....Thank you for posting my video's from GNT SEATTLE!! Today is the 1 yr Anniversary of that concert. I have such wonderful memories of that day- getting to the venue at 6am to stand in line. At 9am THE BUSES ARRIVED- I remember just freaking out at the site of those buses- The drivers got out and said "Don't bang on the buses, everyone is still sleeping" so we all stood guard over the buses- making sure no one woke up our beautiful Glamily. After standing in line all day (quite happily) I was blessed with a front row centre spot, and had the very best time of my life. The crowning glory was I ran into Adam at 1:30am (after all the fans had gone home) I thanked him for his amazing performace and then he took a picture with me- Golden Memories I will NEVER FORGET - Light & Love to all Glamberts-especially the cherished friends I met in Seattle - Andrea Powderpuffnails -
ReplyDeleteCheeks isn't engaged. His tweet about that, is because he's part of a web series where he's married. It's called "Husbands".
ReplyDeletenot sure if i'm just old, or really blond but wasn't the whole illuminati tweet a joke or am i really missing something here and if so can someone please explain it to me because i'm totally lost. i thought he was joking but after reading some of my DM's not sure what the heck is going on. Also the whole Cheeks thing is a new eb series and fans can join up here to get the lastest news
Love Adam's voice, love his eclectic song choices. Love his charming personality, goofy sense of humor and his showmanship. All that and the man is pure eye candy. I'm so glad all is going well for him, he deserves it for all the good Karma he puts out in the world.