Wednesday, 15 February 2012

His Majesty! 15/02/2011

TomandLorenzo @tomandlorenzo
#AdamLambert in the house darlings! So sweet and friendly. #TheBlonds @adamlambert #nyfw

@DianaKat1: Adam to R

pearl13 @pearl13 Close

Adam Lambert waves to our cameras at The Blonds. He's here with his boyfriend.


mikeruiz1 Mike Ruiz
Cutie patooties Adam Lambert and his super sweet boyfriend across from me at the Blonds
1 minute ago


Hai thurr Adam & Sauli ;-)



@cutblog Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
.@AdamLambert at #TheBlonds in yellow cat's eye contacts...good scary or just scary scary? (via @fuggirls) #nyfw


Pictures via Adamtopia!

Blondes Livestream (Adam is there)

TomandLorenzo @tomandlorenzo
OMGAdam Lambertsitting right in front of us looking fabulous #TheBlonds show @phillipeblond #nyfw

Adam on Fuse

Thanks to @aquarius_girl2

Byron Cooke Videos


Adam in 360!

This morning, we tested out this new 360 video technology 

during Adam Lambert’s visit to 997 NOW studios. It’s an 

attachment called Dot made by Kogeto where you’re able 

to video record everything in the round. This might be 

hard to grasp but when you click play on the video, move 

your mouse to the right or left as the video plays. You’ll be 

able to get a 360 view of the studio during Adam’s interview.

Adam Lambert at Sirius FM thanks to ?

 Adam Lambert thanks to ?

Thanks to @squeeni01

thanks to @JaxieD

           Adam Lambert today thanks to @cantergirl

Adam Lambert-BTIKM - 95.5 PLJ - Acoustic 2-15-2012

Gorgeous morning voice with @kevmokey doing backup vocals

Thanks to @Scorpio4music


For me, being near Adam compares to being on a mountain!  

Just Majestic and impossible to put into words!  

"His Majesty" seems so appropriate!

Not sure what Adam was referring to exactly, but in my dreams I'm a tiny part of that love for Canada! haha

Yay for BTIKM Video #1 in the USA yesterday and Yay, @Galechester for the Retweet!! 

Thanks to G0g0nz

Adam Lambert at Z100 thanks to ?

                       Adam Lambert and Kevin Hastings arriving at Z100 thanks to @virg1877

Adam Lambert after the show thanks to @adamsmadworld

Adam Lambert thanks to @Ississ
I had the most awesome day imaginable yesterday, right from the time I woke up at 4:30AM til I went to sleep at 12:00 midight, everything was in perfect flow!!

Working on a personal review and description of  seeing and meeting Adam which will be done in the next day or so... I need something to keep this experience fresh for always and that will not be difficult.  For now, check out all my tweets from yesterday here:

(read from the bottom up)


Interviews, Performance and Pictures from Z100

One more thing I want to say:  None of us work hard enough for Adam!  We need to up our game and request, request, request and vote, vote, vote!  He still needs us to help spread his awesomeness.
I Better not meet him again or I'll be phoning each one of you every morning to check up on your committment! LOL

Thanks to myspencer on ATOP... everybody do this! and then request locally too!

Request time! And, these are the stations you can request from anywhere

Before 3:00 Eastern time:

Z100, Q102, and Sirius<< Before 3:00

At 8:00 Eastern, Take Over hour

At 8:00 Central time, Chicago's Take Over, 4 hours!

Also, 8:00 Eastern time. Been getting 2 a night this week:)
Detroit Take Over, 4 hours


The Soundbath thanks to Angelina Kalahari

(who is the next person on my list that I need to hug!)  


This Morning



New Interview and BTIKM from Germany

Interview with Q Radio.. Questions and Answers


Translation of In Rock magazine article:

 Hi, for your update info. Premiere from Malaysia no.1 radio station Hitz.FM 


Please request and vote... link top right of the page under the banner!


Lots more later!  Promise!  My head is still pretty much floating so will get organized later!


Kevin thanks to @merrie_liny


On this day of your life, Gloria, I believe God wants you to know...

...that happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life,
impels us through all its mazes and meandering, but leads none of us by
the same route.

Charles Caleb Colton said that, and he was right.  Therefore, since there is no One Way to find happiness, why not find it the way that appeals most to you?  Why not follow your passion --- even if others tell you that you are crazy for trying it?

Is someone telling you that now?  Don't listen.  Don't listen to that!  The voice of caution knows nothing of real joy.  What joy is there is doing what there was no doubt you could do?  Where's the excitement in that?  Hey, try something that you could fail at.  Now that's living.

Thanks Neal Donald Walsch

Not sure where this one is from...not today


  1. I was with you in spirit and it was AWESOME!

  2. Million thanks. I am sure you are a part of Adam's love for Canada!


  3. Thanks for your many tweets on all that was Adam yesterday. You are a star for doing this. You are indeed giving me my Adam crack each day!!

    I met Adam in London for the first time 2 weeks ago and, as you say, there are no words to express how you feel. I can say though that for me he exudes an air of calmness and sereneness (have I spelt this word right?) even though there is all this franticness going on around him - and in the process he makes you feel calm. He seems to just take it all in his stride!! I liken it to being given a nice tranquiliser although I have never had one of these so only guessing. LOL!

    Angelina does deserve a big cuddle-too have got to know her a bit and she is also a star and divine singer by the way.

    Loulou @jeanjenie

  4. I'm so happy happy happy for you - going now to look at all the pics and read everything. Voted VH1 60 times last night (3 different browers -can do every 24 hours) and will start with the radio stations. (Getting relativss to vote, too). Waiting for all the meeting with him news! Luv, Lee

  5. so happy your day was everything you hoped it would be and i love that you refer to the blog as Adam crack i'm totally addicted so it's very true.


  6. So happy for you Gloria that everything aligned perfectly for you to meet Adam in NYC!!!!! I'm glad you told Adam about your blog and now he can put a face to your wonderful work. He loves Canada and we love him <3
    Andrea @Powderpuffnails

  7. OMG!!! This blog just has me in tears!!! All those tweets--all the love. You are just oozing with it!! Thank you so much for sharing it so completely. I feel as if it all happened to me!!

  8. Thanks for sharing your excitement and your day with us. You so deserved time spent with "his majesty", as you are one of his best supporters. Without you dispensing "Adam crack" a bunch of us would be lost! I look forward to every little detail.

  9. Gloria, what a day!! New York City Adam adventure was so much fun...Adam was majestic, and kind and adorable!! I am so glad we were able to spend the day together...mission accomplished!

  10. Thank you for all those tweets, pictures, vids... You are the best! :)
    And I really appreciate you didn't want the interviewer to ask the finland question! Thanks so much for that!

  11. Gloria,
    So fantastic to spend the day with you in NYC and I am soo happy you got to meet Adam! Such an amazing day! Will never forget Valentines Day 2012!

    Cant wait for our next advantage.



  12. I am so thrilled you got to meet Adam, hug him, and talk to him :D you deserve it, Gloria!

    You work tirelessly to supply us with Royal Adam Crack every day and we are so happy to be addicted to his majesty!

    I felt like I was there with you!!!

    Merrie, you are an angel <3


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily