Monday, 13 February 2012

NYC- The Place to Be! 13/02/2012

Linefeeed 5 mins 32 secs ago Twitter
100/20 Crossover! @allihagendorf talks to @adamlambert for Top 20

Linefeeed 4 hours 14 mins ago Twitter
Back in the blurry white room today where @adamlambert is finishing off the "Top 100 Sexy Beats"

  is in our studio right now filming Fuse Top 100 ! 

  Enhanced by  g0g0az: 

                                             Adam Lambert in New York with Arleen S


Red Carpet gazing from my laptop... nice threads peers!:)


@ScottyLaLa im in NYC bout to do a week of promo here...:)


also, can i just say that Jessie J and Alicia Keys were amazing last night...


both ladies sang very moving tributes to Whitney. Inspirational


Adam's in NYC and I'm heading there to meet him tomorrow!  Thanks for all the messages and I will give him a hug from all of you and remember every detail!  
(Back tomorrow night for a full report)

Special thanks to @Merrie_LINY for taking me as her guest to meet Adam   XO

Thanks to @lisaharrington4 for picking me up at the airport and to many friends taking time out to meet me in New York

Gonna be fun, fun, fun!!

Fuse & Maxim Count Down the Hottest Dance Floor Hits
in "Fuse & Maxim's Top 100 Sexy Beats"
Ten-Hour Countdown to be Hosted by Flo Rida, Gabe Saporta and Adam Lambert

Monday, February 13th, 8:00pm EST

Adam Lambert in a Norwegian magazine!


 Request Adam Lambert 

Adam fans! BTIKM Moving Up (finished week at #31 on HAC chart!) + Radio, Video To-Do Lists! 

Please go to the Voting link and do your daily request for BTIKM and vote for Adam

ADAM LAMBERT's BTIKM will be on FUSE TV's Maxim's Top Sexy Beats, starting tomorrow, 2-13-12 8pm ET (Countdown of hot dance 

tracks & videos kicks off. Flo Rida hosts.)

Happening Today

Amazon Music UK
Thanks for all your questions for @adamlambert. We hope to have the interview filmed and available from Feb 13!



Can you donate anything to help reach Adam's goal of $100,000?


Backstage at the Grammy's

Cute Interview from Sweden


Beautiful drawing by @SammieMa

“This cartoon again took on a mind of it’s own. For Valentine’s Day my Adam/Sauli drawing was going to be the totally predictable handsome couple in a heart. I started that idea and never went back to it. Instead I was inspired by @HansHaveron beautiful spritual works of art. I find this man’s work exquisite! The first idea for this work as I started was Adam and Sauli as elementals. They were going to be a tree with Adam as the trunk and branches and Sauli as the roots. I do have a work with Adam as a tree in the works right now. As I worked ideas keep flowing in low and behold two powerful water dragons arose from the sea close together as if like one being. So Adam 2012 the year of the Water Dragon is your year to shine. Happy Valentines Day @adamlambert and@saulikoskinen1”

LambertUK Adam Lambert UK

According to TVGuide, Adam Lambert will host Part 3 of @Fusetv's Top 100 #sexybeats on Wed 15 Feb @ 4 & 8 pm -


Lots of pictures from the pre Gram party:

Adam Lambert thanks to @Listoffsay




**Sat 11 Feb 12**

I've have had many messages from folks who would like us to be at the Jubilee show, and I'd like to say thanks to you all, folks, for the support. The truth is that, quite simply, we haven't been asked to be part of this 60th celebration. But that is fine - we don't have a right to expect anything. We gave our all to the 50th (and 'my tower' is still intact !) - so now, it is somebody else's turn. There are a lot of great artists in Britain who deserve a shot ! We wish them all well. I'm sure it will be a great show.

We have a couple of different surprises coming up later in the year, so we will be busy, and all is good.

All the very best !



Thanks to @GaleChester


From Sauli's Facebook


Renovation two years ago, and twenty-three years ago


This Week in Adamland

February 9 – 16 NY Fashion Week

February 14- Adam visits Z100 (New York) and will be interviewed by Danielle Monaro.

February 14- Adam meets Adambertdaily :)

Feb 14- Adam interview and meet and greet 92.3

February 15- Adam visits Fresh 102.7FM (New York).

February 16- Adam at Q102FM I Heart Radio Theater

Don't worry, if you don't win passes, you can watch the entire performance and interview LIVE right here on this Thursday, February 16th, 4:30pm.

February 18- Adam interview by "P3 Star" Radio Show (Sweden) will be aired


Adam in an Interview 

At risk of reaching the saturation point on talking about Whitney Houston, CNN caught up with all the stars to ask them about it, including Adam Lambert, whose hairstylist has invented anti-gravity technology.

Open to all Subscribers - Contest ends Valentine's Day so get your entries in today!The prize will be an Adam  GNT T-shirt  with a full list of tour cities on the back and aGNT DVD/CD generously donated by @thefilmqueenPlease subscribe and information about entering will be posted on the subscriber email 
It's Easy to Subscribe to My Blog and get all the benefits!

=========================Ashley Interview on Youtube

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==================Voting Links and Resource Pages
Please vote and request daily!
(If you look at the top right corner of the blog, right under the banner, you can find this page link anytime)

New page with the best videos: 

Using this page to keep track of some of the best videos and easy reference.  Please let me know if there are others that need to be there!

Adamquotedaily is a non-profit fansite. All images and 

articles belong to their respective owners. No copyright 
infringement intended.


  1. AWWWW, that's such great news Gloria! I hope everything will go well in New York. Have a wonderful time and I'm looking forward to reading your blog and all your news about the meeting. :)
    Big hug to you (and Adam).
    And thanks for sharing all those amazing vids, pictures and interviews.

  2. I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear about meeting Adam!! You so deserve this!

  3. LOVE the piccie with Arleen S - the sun halo behind Adam says it all! :-)

    Have enormous fun in NY - I'm sure you'll enjoy every second - can't wait to hear about your experience.


  4. So excited for you sweetie see this is me doing my happy butt dance just for you (_/_)(_l_)(_\_)(_l_)(_/_)(_l_)(_\_)(_l_)(_/_) wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah wiggle wiggle wiggle. have fun and give hugs to Adam and all the glamily you meet for me.


  5. Cornelia Dottavio13 February 2012 at 10:33

    Hi, I'm sooo happy for you that you will meet Adam .... <3

  6. At the end of the backstage Grammy interview she says, " I'm just going to stop now and stare into Adam's eyes". You get to do that. It makes me so happy. Happy Valentine's Day. XxOo, Glenda

  7. So happy for you Gloria. Have a great time. You deserve it so much. I know you'll give him a hug from all of us. .... KarenPendragon xxx

  8. Gloria, don't forget to have a photo taken with Adam. It's going to be so exciting. I think I'd pop if I met him! Do have a great time. You've earned it and then some. XO

  9. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!! Can not wait to get your report--hopefully you'll survive. LOL!! (Maybe you can ask Adam for some of his oxygen. :)

  10. Gloria you must be jumping out of your skin!! I know I would be. Take it all in. Stare into those beautiful eyes and don't forget to smell him. Can't wait to hear all about it.xoxo

  11. So excited for you Gloria. You deserve it.


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily