Acoustic Aftermath (Live from GlamNation)
Aftermath from Indy.......What do you think are they one in the same? Video by noskerdycat
I think they are one and the same....AQD

Scarlett and Lee Cherry have this amazing project they are working on!
If you have not heard, it's called "Labor of Love"!
They have both been great to Adam and his fan base!
Check it out.....Let's pay it forward!!
If you have not heard, it's called "Labor of Love"!
They have both been great to Adam and his fan base!
Check it out.....Let's pay it forward!!
Adam's Interview in Paris will be up here soon... Adam speaks French (not so good)
Who Asked for Adam Singing Xmas Carols?
Adam Lambert on His Grammy Nomination; 'I Earned My Success
Thanks to @virg1877
"That didn't take long"
New Video With Two Citizen Vein Songs! Chalice and Nocturnal by the Night

Does this guy look like Matthew Broderick?
alisanporter Yes it's TRUE. My band @the_canyons will be opening for @adamlambert for both of his LA shows! We are elated and blessed. CANT WAIT!!!!!
Screen Cap captured by AQS7
alisanporter Yes it's TRUE. My band @the_canyons will be opening for @adamlambert for both of his LA shows! We are elated and blessed. CANT WAIT!!!!!

Grammy Voting
Who can vote for the Grammy Awards?
Unlike other fan-voted award shows like the American Music Awards, the Grammys are presented by the Recording Academy. Only Academy voters can vote for the awards.
According to grammy.com, voting members of the Academy are "professionals with creative or technical credits on six commercially released tracks (or their equivalent)."
This pretty much means that anyone who's ever released a record can vote for the Grammy Awards. Producers, mixers, arrangers, and other professionals are eligible as well.
The Academy offers two non-voting membership options. Associate memberships are offered to writers, record label executives, managers, merchants, and other individuals involved in the music industry. Student memberships are offered to college students seeking a career in the music industry.
Final Voting
Final-round ballots are sent to voting members in good dues standing. The finalists determined by the special nominating committees are also included in this ballot. In this final round, Recording Academy members may vote in the four general categories and in no more than eight (8) of the 29 fields. Ballots again are tabulated by the independent accounting firm of Deloitte.
(for those of you who were wondering, fans do not vote for the Grammys)

A Few More Congratulatory Tweets
SashaMallory @adamlambert ok listen up you sparkly gay lord.... i fricken love you... allssooo congrats!!! Grammy say whhhaat?! :)
greg_wells Massive and much deserved congrats to my pals @katyperry and @adamlambert on their GRAMMY NOMINATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
milestougeaux @adamlambert Congrats Ad! Next major milestone according to my scorecard is a caricature cameo on Simpsons or FamilyGuy.
BradBesseyTALK @adamlambert CONGRATS on The Grammy nod! So well deserved.
The_Canyons Good Morning Everyone!!! Congrats to our dearest friend @adamlambert on his Grammy Nomination!!!!
VH1Top20 That's our boy! Congrats! RT @adamlambert Woah!!! Just got the news! A Grammy nomination?!?! I'm floored and honored. There are no words....
Voting Links
(please tweet me any additional ones that should be added @adamquotedaily)
Adam's Grammy page http://www.grammy.com/photos/adam-lambert-0
Register , read the comments and leave your own!
MuchMusic's Top 10 videos of 2010: http://bit.ly/cVhFcn
(IIHY on third page)
Watch IIHY and FYE videos
Fuse...Who did they overlook?
http://www.afterelton.com/poll/2010/visibility-awards-voting?page=0%2C6 (adam is behind!)
Sleepwalker links: http://adamlambertfans.com/forum/fan_groups_regions/12882
(Sleepwalker Canada spins information: http://www.adamofficial.com/us/node/1144877)
WWFM and IIHY http://musicbillboard.webs.com/top100songsvote.htm
Chloe’s Commemoration of Glam Nation!
By Lisa “Chloe” Gold ~ December 2010
Twitter: @RadioChloe (Formerly @ChloeBLI)
Wilkes-Barre was where it all began on June 4th Twenty-Ten,
And after that we knew we wouldn’t be the same again!
Prepare for flail! Our loud screaming--it’ll pierce,
Finally it’s here, it’s on! Glam Nation Tour is fierce!
Glued to Twitter, all day and night waiting for the list,
Who is there, what just happened, was there a Fever kiss?
What’s up, guys! I just got here! Is there a U-Stream link?
The Glamily has your back if you should miss a blink
Suz was there! With Rolando! YES! There will be vids!
And Adam got all hot and sexy, better hide your kids (haha)
The moon appears on the screen, by devotion we are bound,
The purple fringe, the feather hat, and oh--that gorgeous sound!
Voodoo starts and we all scream, then fall Down the Rabbit Hole,
It is clear to everyone our hearts are what he stole!
We want more! And we know that he won’t let us down,
Just don’t give up, work it out, blue glow sticks all around.
We love the band and dancers; the If I Had You interlude,
And how Adam always giggles and shares his upbeat mood!
We said goodbye to Longineu, he rocked the tour’s first half,
Adam and the band wore dreads, which was a giant laugh!
Isaac came when LP left, the cutie fits right in,
Always tweeting pictures that make us fans all grin!
And on the keys, give it up for Miss Camilla Gray,
Sweet and cute, and talented, damn that girl can play!
Yup, our pretty kitty cat, we love our Tommy Joe!
Yum, a kiss! Uh oh, where’d the black lipstick go?
Oh, I see. There it is. It’s now on Adam’s face,
Damn, that boy is so hot and rocks it on the bass!
Monterrific! Monte Pittman! Director of music!
To the crowd he always throws a leftover guitar pick!
Lisa is quite the mom, she must miss her man,
The babies are adorable, names known by every stan!
And now the dancers, hot and sexy, every single one,
They add so much to the show and we can tell that they have fun!
Sasha is my favorite, that girl is just so sweet,
Makes us laugh until we cry when she twats a funny Tweet!
Yes, fierce boys! Terrance! That hot smile—makes us melt,
And what was it on a flight Tay lost? They took his spiky belt?
BrookeSauce, the choreographer, with whom Adam does his dance,
She gets a real nice look at the laced up part of Adam’s pants!
Oh adorable Negative Neil, the boy who’s full of snark,
But we all know his bite is not worse than his bark!
He’s as sweet as Adam is, although he’ll never show it,
But be forewarned Neil, we’re on to you—we know it!
Then Adam keeps us guessing about the encores that he does,
Sometimes just at sound check he creates a giant buzz!
The lucky Erie audience; they got to be his toy,
When he first gave us hotness with Twentieth Century Boy!
Enter Sandman on Tommy’s birthday put us in a daze,
But nothing made us go more crazy than when he broke out Purple Haze!
Stage Diving--out! You must get into the “Tongue Dive!”
If he kissed me, I seriously doubt I would survive!
O-M-G, Adam tweeted! You guys, he said TWO WORDS!
Yup, there it is, my feed blew up! We are all such nerds!
We beam about our favorite guy and all the friends we’ve met,
And I have a feeling that it will just get even better yet!
Adam’s smile is contagious; his blue eyes shine so bright,
He gave us all his gift of spreading love and light!
So to all of you, I raise my glass and now propose a toast,
To Adam, the whole GlamTroupe, and the tour we loved the most!
Still riding high off all the glitter—and beaming, can you tell?
Cuz we didn’t just TRIP off the glitz… Adam, we all fell.
(Thanks to the whole crew and all the fans for a wonderful celebration of friendship, love, and music! We will always look back on Glam Nation 2010 and smile!)
Lisa “Chloe” Gold
Calender of Future Events
Dec 6/10 Adam Acoustic Live! EP released
Dec 8/10 Q102 (Philadelphia) Jingle Ball
Dec 11/10 Y100 (Miami) Jingle Ball
Dec 15/10 Los Angeles, Music Box
Dec 16/10 Los Angeles, Club Nokia
Dec 22/10 Acoustic EP released in Japan
Concert DVD to be released.
Feb 13/2011 Grammy Award Presentation ( possible performance!!)
Spring/Summer 2011 Adam's second album released
Thanks to @aquariussue7 for posting the pictures today
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still using the Wordpress list cause not sure how to switch it...
lots of good stuff on that site ... look around!
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well hello Gloria thanks for the early christmas present hope to get more like this as the days go on. hope you are doing well. hugs
ReplyDeleteThank you Chloe for your poem. You managed to capture the exact essence of the Glamnation Tour! And now that it's ended, you made us even more aware of how we much enjoyed every second of it and how much we miss it already.
ReplyDeleteThanks too, to all the peeps who cotributed to our daily update, especially you, Gloria and of course Suz and Rolando!!
Little did we realize that, as the tour started that even if we couldn't make to all or any of the concerts, you would take us there post haste!!! Cybergranny
indy aftermath and the EP after math ARE pretty close. i played them so they were in sync and they did sound one in the same....except for some of his tones...does that make sense? im pretty sure its the one from indy but idk some of the words sound a little more "nasely" on the EP version. regardelss.....after listening to them a few times they are the same. hahaha.
ReplyDeletei also want to comment on the incredible poem by chole! it captures every part of Glam nation perfectly!! its like she was reading my mind.....or my twitter feed hahaa!! thanks for the great post gloria!!
ReplyDeleteADAMQUOTEDAILY has been super awesome with all it's videos and info. No other blog comes close. This is my daily news! I love to start the day with a smile before the rest of the world is in front of me. Adamquotedaily is my high! in the morning!