Tuesday 13 December 2011

Banner Trial

LOL... if you end up on this page, you may as well tell me which banner you like the best!  Leave a comment...
Hi Gloria,

Here are the new banner choices.

#1 should be pretty close to colors from your site, background and header font.

#2 uses the background we have on the current banner

I have many more options, but with the blur and overlap of images, I think a simple background is best this time; we can try different blues and greens if none of these work for you.




  1. I like #3, cause the blue goes nicely with his eyes :) But #4 has a nice sophistication, and just feels nice, so.... ja ...

  2. I actually think the plain background ones are a little too plain. My favourites are #4 and #5- the penultimate two.
    #1 matches well, obviously, but just seems kinda simple. It's not 'big' enough. Adam should have more of an impact.
    #2 I do really like, because I think the colours do work well on/for Adam, however it doesn't fully match the current colour-scheme quite as well, but it's not too much of an issue.
    #3 works better than #1, but it feels more like a footer, or a pic you'd put in a forum signiture. But I think this one is the best of the plain backings.
    #4 works VERY well colour-wise- I think the white on the green/black background just gives it that extra edge, and the pics seem to gell really well there. Also, it doesnt impact your current colour-scheme too much. This is my favourite.
    #5 My second favourite. Better then the plain blue of #1, The images also gell with the backing well- but also it picks up on all the blue's in the pics- there's continuety there. Also, the water background obviously links well with the astrology.
    #6 I like also, would work well, but I think the blue is too striking for your colour-scheme - it makes your current backing colour feel a little washed out/grey tinted.

    I know you were probably only after one line 'my fav is', but I thought that possibly an explanation for my reasoning might also be benifficial; I hope that its okay.

  3. No 2 or 3 would be my choice. They all look so good and I love the choice of pics.


If you have a problem posting a comment, please email your comment to adamquotedaily@hotmail.com Subject line: Adam or tweet me @Adambertdaily